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sending money back to UK


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Hi all


First time posting on this site- I used to post on PIO but tbh totally sick of the negativity!


So here goes....


Wanting to send money back to the UK on a monthly basis - what is safest, cheapest and easiest way to do this?


I have Westpac account and have Halifax and First Direct in UK (if that makes any difference!)




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Hi and welcome.

We seem to be a pretty friendly bunch over here so I'm sure there'll be many along to help.


We kept an account in the UK (the one that alludes to its Hong Kong, Shanghai origins), in the hope that, what with them being a 'global bank' it would be easy and free to transfer money. What a crock! Both here and back in the UK they were useless, expensive, slow and seemingly prohibitive. There must be better options.


That was a pretty negative welcome wasn't it? Sorry, just advising of our experience.

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We send money home on a monthly basis if we send over $2k we use ozforex if its under we use tranzfers. They are both the same company one user name one password. You get a better rate with them than if you use a bank. It is easy to sign up for all done online. Hope this helps.

Ps it takes about 2 days to appear in UK account

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