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Lodged 9th July 2013


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Hi - I lodged 190 visa on the 9th July - police checks and medicals done - case officer alloacted on the 20th August . I have heard nothing since ;( . I have an agent , she did say that she had emialed the CO on the 4th September stating I had provided all the character and medical info, she says she has had no correspondance back from the CO. Im worried as people seem to have been granted there visas quite quickly after being allocated CO


Are there other July people out there who have there visa or are still waiting ?


Im driving myself mad with the worry !!

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Hi - I lodged 190 visa on the 9th July - police checks and medicals done - case officer alloacted on the 20th August . I have heard nothing since ;( . I have an agent , she did say that she had emialed the CO on the 4th September stating I had provided all the character and medical info, she says she has had no correspondance back from the CO. Im worried as people seem to have been granted there visas quite quickly after being allocated CO


Are there other July people out there who have there visa or are still waiting ?


Im driving myself mad with the worry !!



We lodged our application for our 189 on 25th June and got allocated our case officer on 4th September, 10weeks and 1day later!... I have to say, i thought it would never happen! Our agent also contacted DIAC and recieved an email back stating that we could have already been allocated our case officer but just hadn't been informed yet due to the back-log of applicants!....have also read on here of someone else waiting 10weeks too...he too had uploaded medicals and police checks and rather than hearing news of case officer, he was awarded his visa!....hooefully not too much longer for you now :)

Edited by Osmond8
Read wrong!!!
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we lodged our application for our 189 on 25th june and got allocated our case officer on 4th september, 10weeks and 1day later!... I have to say, i thought it would never happen! Our agent also contacted diac and recieved an email back stating that we could have already been allocated our case officer but just hadn't been informed yet due to the back-log of applicants!....have also read on here of someone else waiting 10weeks too...he too had uploaded medicals and police checks and rather than hearing news of case officer, he was awarded his visa!....hooefully not too much longer for you now :)


hi - i lodged 190 visa on the 9th july - police checks and medicals done - case officer alloacted on the 20th august . I have heard nothing since ;( . I have an agent , she did say that she had emialed the co on the 4th september stating i had provided all the character and medical info, she says she has had no correspondance back from the co. Im worried as people seem to have been granted there visas quite quickly after being allocated co


are there other july people out there who have there visa or are still waiting ?


Im driving myself mad with the worry !!



im sorry!!! I obviously read your post wrong!!!!! Doh!!! Ignore me please :)

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