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State Sponsorship - Confirmed, next steps...


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Hello to everybody,


Well, after the confirmation from WA about the SS we are starting now with the documents for visa. Does anyone can write a list what will be necessary as documents and med,please?


I have started already with the form and completed mine and my wife's information. Next are children, but before that we have to renew their passports. Is there anything else that we can do in the same time, while we are waiting for the passports? I mean what else documents will be required to be uploaded?


Any help will be appreciated.



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once you lodge the application and pay the fee you will be able to start logging in and attaching documents to the application. There will be a list of required docs for each person on the application, some may not be nessesary depending on your circumstances. It is things like birth certificates for everyone, passports, marriage certifcates, qualifications evidence, work experience evidence (going back as far as you have claimed in EOI eg. if you claimed points for 8-10 years work experience then you have to prove it).Also skills assessment, IELTS and medicals, once completed.

Good luck

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Hello nikkiwd,


Thank you for the information. I thought that the payment will be the last step, but may be I am not right. I have started already with the documents.


Just a question - shall we wait to renew the pasport of the child, or we can arrange the meds?


What do you think?



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Hi Jorje,


You can do the medicals before you lodge the visa or after you lodge the visa. If you choose to do it before, you must get a HAP ID through my health declarations and make an appointment from a panel doctor, it takes only a few hours.


Depending on the countries you lived in, police clearance certificate can take a very, very long time! Better to start preparing those first.


Passports have to be valid for at least 6 months.


The document list for 190 is below.




Good luck

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hi Jorje, you fill in the application form, pay the fee then submit it. Once you have submitted it you use your TRN and password that you created to log in to your application and you can then start attaching documents. You have a few weeks to attach them, just preferable to have everything attached by the time you are allocated a case officer. I would renew your kids passports as soon as you can to avoid delays, the passport details you give for them now have to be the same passports they enter Australia with.

Regarding medicals, once you have submitted your application, you will log back in and one of the required evidences is medicals. There will be a link to'arrange medicals' which will tell you what to do. Some people wait for a case officer to ask for medicals and others (me included) do them before case officer allocation. It depends on when you would be moving out to OZ as you have 12 months to enter from the date of your medicals or pcc's, whichever is earlier, so some wait as long as possible.

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Filling in the application for visa there is a question about the child:


Does any other person have custodial, access or guardianship rights to this child? - I think that the answer should be - Yes, and in the box for more details I should write XYZ - mother of the child and my wife.


Am I right?



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