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Full costs involved to get A class license upon arrival


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Hi we're looking in to this and I don't think it's straight forward. All I can say is you now need so many hours supervised work to show you can do it before putting in for the license. It's a lot of Aussie Google searching I'm afraid. If I find anything I'll let you know x

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We arrived end of May last year my husband is and Electrician and its a bloody nightmare to get the A grade!


First off you need to find someone to take you on which is pretty hard with a restricted licence. Then you book yourself for a 2 week regs course $2500 . You then get a load of assignments to do with no help from the college if you are stuck ( thankfully I found someone on here very helpful) you also need to get 1000 hours of work signed off by your employer.

You will then need to do a comms course $800 plus a week off work then when you have completed all of that you can apply to to the capstone assessment $800 and another week off work ....if you pass you will get the A grade


Sorry to sound negative but it has been a lot harder than we thought!


When looking at jobs i was checking Gumtree every hour to find something for him because 95% of the jobs will require an A grade Electrician.


Good Luck!

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I've been in touch with the CET in Perth about the course and their's includes something to do with comms. Is it the same thing?


This is the detail from their course information


Units of Competency EEOZAMCG01A Apply Australian OHS practices in the work- place - AMCG EEOZAMCG02A Document occupational hazards and risks in electrical work EEOZAMCG05A Apply Australian Standards to multiple earth neutral (MEN) wiring circuits/systems - AMCG EEOZAMCG06A Select protection devices and systems for single and three phase low voltage circuits and electrical installations - AMCG EEOZAMCG07A Select and arrange equipment for single and three phase low voltage installations - AMCG EEOZAMCG08A Electrical installation, testing and verification - AMCG EEOZAMCG09A Verify compliance and functionality of Australi- an general electrical installations - AMCG EEOZAMCG13A Lay and connect cables for multiple access to telecommunication services - AMCG

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Capstone is the Australian trade test that the apprentices do. If CET can provide gap training now then do it through them it will be better. The government TAFE's ( colleges) are terrible and very disorganised, I had no choice but to do it through TAFE when I arrived. The whole thing costs you around $10000 when you factor in lost earnings. Getting employment can be difficult and I have heard of people being paid as little as $25 ph which is a very small wage ( around 800 after tax) to support a family on and would cover a modest rental and weekly bills and no more.

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