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Cant wait to return!


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returned from Perth Thursday my husband, daughter and I had the best time - we cant wait to return :)


After starting our 190 visa we had a bit of a set back with having to do the ielts test and husband not getting the results and all the negatives we were coming across we decided to go out there for 3 weeks with an open mind and make sure all the stress is worth it ;) as soon as we arrived we new it was for us, we had a fantastic time.


Husband has already booked the ielts fingers crossed he gets the results this time :)

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Hi Wild Rose :) he's booked it for may 17th, couldn't get in for April near us.. Long wait, that's why I hope he passes this time! he did no practise the first time and got 6 and 6.5's so hopefully fingers crossed with lots of revision this time he passes :) how did your OH get on? and good luck :)

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Hi Wild Rose :) he's booked it for may 17th, couldn't get in for April near us.. Long wait, that's why I hope he passes this time! he did no practise the first time and got 6 and 6.5's so hopefully fingers crossed with lots of revision this time he passes :) how did your OH get on? and good luck :)


Exactly the same here! He did absolutely no revision last time and got L=6.0, R=5.5, W=7.0, S=8.5. Not sure what he was expecting as he doesn't use these skills in his everyday life at all. It was completely unfamiliar, although he was pleasantly surprised to get a 7 in writing. He's a clever man but he's never been good academically. That's why he's a carpenter! We need 7s for points. He always has the intention of revising but there's always some reason why it doesn't happen. This time I've booked him in for 2 hours with a tutor who has already had him complete a practice paper on reading and writing. This had the knock on effect of him spending a couple of hours looking through examples of other peoples essays online along with comments on where they can be improved. It's already an improvement on preparation last time! He's having to travel just over an hour otherwise he would have had to wait until May, but we just want to get it out the way asap (that way if we need to book it again it's not quite so much of a wait).


What's your other half doing revision wise? And what's his occupation, if you don't mind me asking x

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That's my other half too, he had such good intentions of revising but thought it was going to be easier than it was. We've brought the books and DVDS from the website but he hasn't even looked at them yet, he also wants to look at getting a tutor. I'm going to be no help what so ever lol

what visa process are you doing? you'll have to let us know how you get on. when are you hoping to move? My OH is a plant fitter :) x

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That's my other half too, he had such good intentions of revising but thought it was going to be easier than it was. We've brought the books and DVDS from the website but he hasn't even looked at them yet, he also wants to look at getting a tutor. I'm going to be no help what so ever lol

what visa process are you doing? you'll have to let us know how you get on. when are you hoping to move? My OH is a plant fitter :) x


We're going for a 189 visa and would love to make the move around September time. That way my daughter won't need to start school here only to have to go back to nursery when we move over as they start school a lot later in Perth. The first part of his skill assessment has been submitted, hopefully we'll hear the result of that in the next couple of weeks and will be able to book the practical/technical interview. If everything goes to plan with the skill assessment and IELTS (and police checks and medicals of course!) there is no reason why we won't be able to do it all in plenty of time, that's not a lot to ask is it??? :wacko: lol


When do you want to go? Is it just yourself and your OH? We've got a 6yo boy and 3yo girl x

Edited by wild rose
wrong visa quoted!
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Good luck with the IELTS. Tell hubby to persevere. My OH passed after 3 attempts. The first he went without revision, the second he had a couple of hours tutoring and by the third we were revising every evening for a couple of weeks beforehand. Like others have said, OH is extremely clever but just not an academic. Punctuation etc. is not something he uses on a regular basis, being a tradesman so it was difficult to get back into the mind-set from school some 20 years ago!

When he first took the IELTS, he had to get top marks in order for us to get the points, the tutor he visited said she had never given top marks to anyone, so we thought it was going to be impossible. Luckily, by the time the third test came round, he had another year's work experience under his belt that bumped the points up and meant he needed 7's - by which time, after all the revision he was 0.5 points short of top marks anyway! We found out about the extra points after he took the 3rd test unfortunately, otherwise he wouldn't have needed to go through it again! Worth taking into consideration.


Probably sharing too much here, but wanted you to know that you are not alone, many of us have been through the same!

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Thanks jac2011 for your message :)


Claudette - Thank you for you positive advise :) were only 5 points short or he could wait a just over year for the experience.. makes sense to attempt the IELTS.. like you say the OH is clever but hasn't been in a school environment for many years so he needs to blow away some cobwebs ha. I think it about 7 weeks and I'm hoping he's going to get the revision books out this weekend! :)

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