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Union Industrial Action


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I am after a bit of advice, back in the UK when schools striked, the school was shut whether you agreed with it or not. Here it seems to be a bit wishy washy with no one giving a definite answer.


Firstly my daughter's school has sent home a letter tonight just saying "children who attend school on this day will be supervised, however programs will need to be modified, if you have any questions please contact us".


When I went to collect my daughter, her teacher, who is one of the one's striking, has said it is better for me to keep my daughter off school, as it is not fair to the other teachers, who are going to have to have all the children. Now I respect this teacher, but my daughter is distraught and really wants to go to school.


Now my sons' high school letter home states "please be assured that children who attend on this day will be supervised however programs may need to be modified. It is important to remember that every day at school counts, so I encourage you to ensure your children attend school as normal on Tuesday 1 April and both my sons are adamant that they are not going in, as none of their friends are going in.


Now I'm torn as I support the reasons why the teachers are doing it, but also support the school. What is the general consensus/everyone's feelings, do I send them in or keep them off, it makes no difference to me as I' a stay at home mum.


Any help would be great as I don't want to send them in when none of their friends are going in and the teacher's and staff maybe want them not to there as well, but I don't want them getting into trouble for not going either.

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My kids' school is closed because they can't provide a safe level of supervision. The last time it happened my kids went in but said they sat in the library for most of the day and did very little while most of their friends had the day off (they hated us for that one).


I've an interview tomorrow morning so Mrs p will have them and I'll take over in the afternoon and we'll do some making. If we were given the choice and there was only a skeleton staff I wouldn't send them in, there's probably greater educational value from them being at home with me, baking cakes, painting, gardening and taking the dog for a run on the beach :biggrin:

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Emily's teacher has set her lots of work to do from home, as she knows Emily loves to work, I was just worried if I kept them off (I have no excuse not to as I'm luckily enough to be a stay at home mum) it would it go against the kids, but as I presume lots kids will be off, it should be ok. Portaunay good luck with the interview, will keep my fingers crossed.


I have also started to do lots of voluntary work at the school and now do set afternoons for the library and ICT and I don't want to get on the wrong side of the school as I'm enjoying helping out and I'm hoping to do more voluntary work as I get my feet under the table so to speak.


Portaunay good luck with the interview, will keep my fingers crossed.

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I asked both of mines teachers if they were striking or if they anticipated a 'normal' day. They both told me that they wouldn't be striking and they expected a normal day. One said she may have a few extra children but would be doing her best to make it as consistent as possible.So on that basis I will send them, I guess I will find out if it was a waste of time tomorrow night! I will let you know!


Porty - will be keeping everything crossed for you for your interview tomorrow, Good Luck!

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