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Best time of year to arrive?

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Guest guest10912

I don't think it is massively important, but a few things to bear in mind.


Arriving December / January would be more likely to be quiet on the job front for most occupations.


Arriving say June -August, when it is a bit colder in Australia will allow you a bit of extra time to acclimatise, from there it will get warm gradually.


Children can start school at the start of a school year if you move at the beginning of a calendar year.


if you arrive earlier in the UK tax year, you should get a nice lump sum repayment, this is because you get a full years allowance regardless of how long you are there. But the later you leave it in the UK tax year, the smaller the repayment would be. So that is possible another vote for July / August.

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So many answers to your question Northumbriandave.


Weather wise it would be best to come in the cooler months so you aclimatise slowly. Arriving in mid summer in WA would not be pleasant and might colour your whole perception of living in Australia.


School wise I think it depends on the levels of education your children are at. We came in September so our primary school children had finished a school year in England and went to school in WA during term 3 and that meant they made friends before the October holidays so we had social stuff organised for them. It certainly helped them settle better than hoped.


Employment wise you would be best advised too stay away from November to late January. Most employers do not even consider advertising or putting on new staff over this period. It is the long school summer holiday period and the majority of people have time off work and some companies even close down for the whole Christmas/New Year period.


Rental wise - well I guess there is no perfect time for finding a rental as it depends on where you want to live and what is available at the time.


Bottom line is though that when you emigrate is when all the dominoes are in a line - whenever that is!

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