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IELTS remark, 'Enquiry on Results'

wild rose

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Blasted IELTS!!!!

Hubby got his results online today. L=7.5, S=8.5, R=7.5, W= 6.5. Needed 7s. Gutted!! Big improvement on Reading and Listening from the first time but dropped half a mark on Writing this time. As the Writing marking is subjective I am thinking of submitting an Enquiry on Results and having it remarked. Does anyone have any experience of this? Does it ever result in an increased score or will it be a waste of £60?


It apparently takes 6-8 weeks (!!) to complete the remarking



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I got a 7.5 for writing Rose and needed 8's so asked for a remark and it came back as an 8!! wahoo! I think worth a try, only problem is it can take 6 weeks to come back so depends how you are on time.

good luck


Thank you so much for responding! Sometimes it's just nice to have a bit of hope lol Think I'll send off for the remark as well as book another test date in for 10th May, that way we're not wasting any time. Did yours take 6 weeks then? I'd hate to wait 6 weeks for them not to adjust the score only to have to then book in anyway.


Do you know whether you can pick which IELTS results to use for the visa app? I had a sudden panic that you'd have to use your most recent results and therefore booking in for 10th May would mean we couldn't use the remarked results from 5th April anyway. Haven't read this anywhere and is probably just an irrational worry (seem to be having lots of them recently :/ )

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it did take 6 weeks i'm afraid, luckily it was over christmas and we were away visiting perth so hadn't booked another one anyway. I would imagine you could use which ever results you wanted, as far as I am aware the only stipulation is that the results you need are achived in one sitting. It will be up to you which certificate you submit with your application i think.

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