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Stating the declutter - ebay (take 1)


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I've packed OH and the girls off to the movies (Maleficient - hope my 5 year old doesn't have nightmares!) whilst get 4 boxes of old toys down from the loft.


Very sentimental moment when I'm looking through them and lots of old favourites especially the noisy ones which we periodically hid on top of the fridge to give our ears a break!


OH well, all photographed and about to put them onto ebay.


Next step is to clean up the Hamax child bike seats x 2 and get them on ebay. The list of items on our DIY list is slowly getting done.


Just need to figure out now where I can hid 3 x tubs of toys till the ebay auction is over.......otherwise my 2 will dive in and they be scattered throughout the house:jiggy::jiggy:

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Lol - the decluter - I'm starting to think it's a form of therapy - I've done the eBay and giving away - tomorrow morning it's the car boot sale - charity shop Monday and then finally the dump. Then I'll probably go into OMG meltdown but at least I'll have my £4.50 profit to spend - it's all good!


Good luck with your ebaying x

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  • 4 weeks later...

We started ours yesterday. Lots has been given out to family and friends. Am off to clothes for cash today with loads of other unwanted items, quilts, old jumpers, curtains, bedding, coats......


Im going to Music Magpie all our cds etc, and I think I am heading more towards gumtree than e bay. E bays really hard work!!

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... It turned out a lovely Sunday morning when we did the car boot and I nearly fainted when a lady with an Ozzy accent told us she was from Joondalup ! It's a sign ! I told myself and a month later we re here but I can't remember the name of the Pub she told us ask for her in lol ! Ps Cex we're good for selling off DVDs CDs phones etc

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