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Notice handed in


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So another day of roller coaster emotions, have handed in my notice. It was a very surreal feeling and I felt very emotional doing it which is ridiculous really but I do love what I do and the firm I work for. Everything is becoming slightly more real what with having booked our flights for sept and having had our first removal chap in to quote today. After years of saying we are going to go it just seems very odd that it is actually happening.

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My other half is due to hand her notice in and cannot wait, she has enjoyed her job over the last 5 years that she has been there but since it's been known that we are emigrating her immediate superior has been awkward with her for no apparent reason.

Strange thing is, the same person is her friends mum who pulled strings to get her the job in the first place. I said it's because she's a sour faced old bitch but the OH is a little upset by her behaviour!

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So another day of roller coaster emotions, have handed in my notice. It was a very surreal feeling and I felt very emotional doing it which is ridiculous really but I do love what I do and the firm I work for. Everything is becoming slightly more real what with having booked our flights for sept and having had our first removal chap in to quote today. After years of saying we are going to go it just seems very odd that it is actually happening.


Ditto :) handed mine in today too to leave in august.

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