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Special needs schools


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does anyone know of special needs schools that cater for emotional behavioural problems at primary age?? even something attached to a mainstram school that cater for it?



you will need to have your child assessed when you arrive here as I believe admission to education support centres are based on this assessment. The have educational support centres dotted around Perth, usually attached to a mainstream school. In many cases a child will only attend for a while and then integrated back into mainstream. This is obviously dependent on the level of issue and support required for the child. Perth has had many cutbacks in this area recently. If you google educational support centres you will find more information.

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There are no EBD schools in Perth. The ed support centres are for kids who have intellectual disabilities or autism - if they can't cope in the class environment. If your child doesn't have an IQ below 70 then they won't be given a support centre place. Class teachers deal with kids who have EBD issues, if they are extreme then they'll call in help from the school psychology service who have psychs especially trained in behaviour management to give advice and offer support and assessment. They do everything they can to keep the child in school. It might be good to attend a primary school that does have a centre attached as sometimes the centre can be used as a cool down place if the child is having a bad day, though they are much more likely to use a buddy classroom, or go and work in the principals office etc. It is actually a much healthier approach - the emphasis is less on within child variables and more on what can we change in terms of the environment, teaching child and the curriculum and support that will allow this child to cope in class. Ed psychs in the UK might have 20 schools to cover and visit twice a term, here they might have four and spend at least a day in each. Many private schools employ their own psychs and they are trained in dealing with children who have EBD.

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This may not help with your query but there are a few kids at my children's school with developmental, behavioural or emotional issues and I think it's an excellent approach. Both my children love the responsibility of being a buddy, have found a connection and friendship with kids that they otherwise would likely have only encountered incidentally.

My son goes up to high school next year and says the whole class are genuinely concerned for their classmate and the support they'll get as the pupils all go their separate ways.

As well as two buddy's each day there is are two or three additional assistants who float around the school (the kids actually call them floaters!), and provide support wherever it's needed. We also have a school chaplain who, whilst I know for some is a controversial subject, is one of the most caring and beautiful people I've ever met.

For perspective, at 27 my son's class is the largest but the school is very small with only just more than 200 students.

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