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Credit Cards


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Obviously moving to Perth in a few months.


What do you do with your credit cards? We won't have them paid off by the time we leave, although do plan for them to be paid off with 12 months due to the business sale / payments.


Anyway. I don't want to tell them we are moving and then they freeze the cards. So I was thinking to give them my mums address when we move and just let the cards carry on being paid off.


What do you guys do?

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I left money in English bank so i could pay each month.Will pay off when house is sold. We have not change address my sister goes to the house and checks mail will change address when house is sold or rented.

When I came to use my card in Australia they would not let me said you are meant to let them know you have left the country. Oh had no problem using his card.

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Not very honest though is it?

And banks have a reputation for honesty don't they?

Paying back customers that they dishonestly took billions off through the mis selling of PPI springs to mind! Now they are investigating the fact that they forced business's to the wall so they could "buy" their assets at a fraction of their real value, this will cost the banks dearly.

If anyone chooses to do a flit without paying the banks back, well I say good on you, give them a taste of their own medicine

Edited by flatpack
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You could just tell the card company to go swivel! They can't chase you for the money in Oz but you may be up the creek without a paddle if you return to Britain!
Great Advice!! How stupid.


You just leave one of your bank accounts open and just keep paying from here. Transfer enough to do a few months payments at a time to save you on fees. Just change the address to your mums and make sure you change to paperless statements.

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Find a card with 0% for balance transfers, roll all of your existing CC debts onto that. Transferring money from here will work out expensive so if you go with a bank with an international concern you may be able to arrange with them to make a payment from here without the transfer penalty.

Some cards have a minimum payment each month so as long as you make that from a UK account you can save here, wait for the expiration period to reach and then clear the balance in one hit.

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Great Advice!! How stupid.


Please, we all have differing opinions. Just because someone expresses a point of view that conflicts with yours please consider the OP who came on here for advice. That advice may be different to yours but it doesn't necessarily make it stupid.

Unsound? Maybe.

Immoral? That depends on your perspective.

Illegal? We could just wait and see.



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Thank you for all your replies and opinions. You would be surprised how many people have said to just leave and not pay the Credit Cards as they can afford it and as much as I would like too, i couldn't do it - Morally! although, I know if we did for what ever reason come back we would be screwed.


Luckily as part of the deal for the sale of my garage, we are taking monthly payments for the next 12 months in to our UK bank account. So we are just going to leave the Direct Debts open to continue to pay them off.


Also, it seems all my Credit Cards are now offering me 0% balance transfers, so ive already started to move things around.


It was mainly a question of; do you tell them you have moved to Australia and if so, did they freeze them in fear of not being paid. Or do you just give them a UK address and pretend we live there for the benefit of the post etc?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Gridstar


You seem to have reached the right conclusion :-)


I definitely would reassert that it's not the best idea to do a runner on your debts because I have seen that many people change their minds about Oz and head back home. No-one knows what the future beholds...


And one other consideration to encourage you to keep a credit card &/or a UK bank account...eventually there will be things you want to buy online that need a UK card/account. Whether it is clothing or flights - anything. And if you need to send over money for pressies or anything like that, it's much easier doing a direct transfer it in Sterling, otherwise the fees are often prohibitive. I unfortunately no longer have any UK accounts and I wish I did..

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