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Just SENT MRJP's Vetassess Application for Skills Assessment off all paid etc!! Scary!!! :arghh:


Speaking for IELTS No. 2 is tomorrow too……!!!!! :nah:


This is getting all so real!!!!!


P.S - I will be back properly after 30th June - swamped with Uni work atm!! I can't wait to rejoin my "PP fronds!!"

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He has to redo it all but they do the speaking the weekend before the other 3 for some reason haha!


Very exciting! The warm weather here has sparked me off now to get on with it!!



Will start applying for jobs for me in July in Aus eeeek!!



How are you???

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Yes all good thanks. Hope your all good

very jealous that everyone seem to be landing in perth now lol

need to get our fingers out and get on with it

I bet your so excited about looking for jobs makes it seem more real then good luck to Mr JP tomorrow, that's the bit I'm dreading OH worst subject ;) xx

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Yes real but still so far away - I am jealous everyone is landing ——> it will be us one day that is all we have to hang on to ok? :)


Yes it is my OH's worst subject - he isn't revising and I will be so cross if he doesn't make the grade again because it isn't like he is trying really hard and has been unfortunate if you see what I mean haha!!

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Yes real but still so far away - I am jealous everyone is landing ——> it will be us one day that is all we have to hang on to ok? :)


Yes it is my OH's worst subject - he isn't revising and I will be so cross if he doesn't make the grade again because it isn't like he is trying really hard and has been unfortunate if you see what I mean haha!!


Need to revise, get on the net and look at test papers, and loads of stuff on youtube with info on what they expect to see. well worth it unless you can afford to keep chucking dosh at the IELTS. you can get tests for the listening as well. it really helped me to pass.

Good luck with the second test....

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