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Homesick 10 year old


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We've been here a month and my eldest is struggling with homesickness. Does anyone have any advice to offer? He started school pretty much straight way and seemed to be settling in well but during the last week we've had lots of tears. He's missing his friends, school, swimming and rugby buddies as well as his Granny. It's his birthday this week :sad:

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Ditto, and mine is 11 next week.

After three years he reminisces and remembers only the good things. The reality is that the struggles he has here would have been the same in the UK. He loves it here but he wants all of those good bits from his UK life to be transported here to make it even better.

Sorry, I don't know what the solution is, I just hope that support, safety and love will eventually make a difference.

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We'll see you on the 29th then and hopefully they can give each other a bit of support.

What does he like?


He likes all sorts of things but is big on Rugby Union, swimming, computer games - mainly Minecraft, reading...books such as Percy Jackson and Skullduggery Pleasant and laughing at other peoples jokes! He's always made friends easily but is probably a bit more reserved like me and will watch rather than be centre stage.

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Cool, I think they'll get on like a house on fire, only I do wish mine would read.

He plays guitar, loves Radiohead and live gigs but also has an obsession with public transport and wants to be an urban planner.

He loves Minecraft and is also pretty quiet, follower more than leader and his emotions sometimes control him but he means well and could do with finding a really good mate.

See you at the end of the month. :cool:

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So sad to read this. At a similar age to your son I became terribly homesick when we moved from Scotland to the West Country. I refused to contact anyone from home, and all my friends letter's went unanswered for quite some time. I think it's a coping mechanism and I can understand him not wanting to Skype just yet. I bet he's got plenty of fun activities on offer to distract him so I'm sure with lots of love and support he'll get through it soon enough xx

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He had a great time go-karting but then had a by of a grump because his go-kart wasn't fast enough! He seems a little up and down with his moods :sad:


Today I'm going to baking all day for his birthday tomorrow! He's not asked for much lol; 32+ cup cakes for school, cookies for swimming club and a big cake for his actual birthday.


Thank you for all your support. Lots of cuddles delivered and more on his way!

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Well, he's had a great week but tonight he crashed. We had tears again! I'm expecting we'll have this every now and again and that, hopefully, they'll get less and less frequent!?! The weathers been pants but that'll be short lived. What it has done is motivate me to show my son what a great place Australia is and although we'll all always love Jersey we're here now and we'll be making the most of it. I don't think it helped that his cousin, who lives here one week on and the next off, went to his Mums today so he's lost his best pal for a week :sad:

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Well we delved more and found out there is a boy in his class who's teachers pet, good at everything but he keeps putting my son down at every opportunity. I suspect it's because the attention has been on my boy over the last few weeks, with him being the new boy, and there's a little bit of jealousy. The school doesn't have a lot of new kids start mid year because there's waiting lists for places. I've explained to him what this boy is trying to do and that he needs to think of ways of dealing with the various situations he's described to me.


Unfortunately people put other people down all the time and if he learns to deal with it now he'll have learnt a life skill.

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