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Please Help! need assistance....


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My name is Joydeep Dhar, I am from West Bengal, India. Is there any one who can help me to know about my chances to get skilled select visa.


1. Age (DOB-11/07/1980) 33 years - 25 points

2. English IELTS 7 - 10 points

3. BE Civil Engineer - 15 points

Sure Marks of =50 points.


Now, how do I manage those other points? there are so many options but I don't know which one will give me those sure 10 to 15 points of point test requirements.


1. Experience - I have over 9 years of experience in construction of surface water treatment plant but I have started my career with diploma in Instrumentation Engineering but joined in a construction consultancy company and completed BE Civil Engineering in 2013....so what will my points in this category - calculated since 2005 or since 2013?


2. My wife is a Graduate in Science, completed her studies in 2003 and working in High School as a Science teacher since 2005 - So, Can I claim Partner skilled qualification, which is - 5 points?


3. As I am a Bengali by birth - how could I claim Community language qualification, as I can read, write, speak and translate Bengali. - 5 points?


4. How could I get Nomination/ sponsorship if required?


5. So what is my chance of getting Skilled Select visa?


Please help me!


Thanking you,


Yours faithfully,


Joydeep Dhar.

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Hi and welcome to PP.

Sorry, I can't help with your questions but all I would say is that you'd be best speaking to a registered migration agent. Whoever you speak to make sure they are MARA registered and you should find a lot of them will provide an initial consultation for free. They do in the UK anyway, not sure about India.

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