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189 visa defacto partner


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Hi guys, obviously I am a long way off sending my EOI as I'm only sending off for my skills assessment next week but ...


I am am hoping to send of my EOi in Octoberfor. 189 pr visa I am a nurse and know all the requirements I need to get for my side of the visa how ever ....


i have a partner who I would of been with for 5 years at the time of EOI lodge .. I'm slightly confused if he can come on my visa application as a defacto?


I understand and you have to prove your in a continuing relationship and we have joint bank account and utility bills for over 3 years and also car insurance documents for the past two years .. Showing both our names


I just wondered if anyone has been in the same boat or has any information they could share with regards to if he can come on my visa and another evidence people have used ?



thanks in advance :cute:



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Yes, he will be on your visa application. You will be asked to show you have been in a de facto relationship for the last 12 months, but from what you have said, that should be simple.


He will also have to do a medical and police clearance but once granted he will have the same visa as you.

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