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New to Perth Poms, Hello.


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Hello everyone,


I have been logging into this forum for over a year now and have been enjoying reading everyone's tales of their dream goal of moving to Perth Australia and all the hurdles they've overcome to achieve it.


We went over to Australia in 2007 and travelled for 2 years, (1 year was just Perth..we couldn't leave!) but had to leave when our working holiday visas expired. We had our son over there and travelled home when he was just 3 months old. My other half has just completed CIMA (Accounting) and with a huge sigh of relief we see that it still remains on the Skilled list and we are at the start now of applying for our visa. IELTS have been booked for 19th July.


Saving has become my first, middle and last name. I suppose it comes hand in hand with having been a stay at home Mum for 5 years, though that changed when my son started school and I struck gold with a part time job. We've had no holidays for 5 years but I know we'll more than make up for that when we get to Australia and get our fill of Vitamin D in the first month. So the hard work of saving and studying has been in the making for 5 years and it feels like the pace is picking up now with the studying finally over and the focus firmly on the 189 visa.


I look forward to sharing the ride with many of you and learning from those that have been and done it already.



I wonder if now would be an appropriate time to ask...Is anyone selling their IELTS material as we are looking to buy :)




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Welcome to PP and congrats on starting the process! We got our PR visa granted last year and are making the move in October with our two girls, 1 year old and 2 year old. Will check if my hubby still has our IELTS material and can send it on if we do. Our shipping container arrives in August so I have been sorting through everything we own and selling, handing on lots of bits and pieces. It's amazing what you accumulate once you have children! Like you I have been a stay at home mum especially with having two so young but will be looking for part time work once the girls are into a nice routine. And yes know what you mean about the saving! It will be worth it soon though! Exciting journey ahead for you all!

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Thank you for such a warm welcome.


EmsyEss that is so exciting it must feel like the move is just around the corner for you now. Although we are a long way off, maybe another year from the actual move, I have also started clearing out. I had been keeping hold of my sons baby toys in the hopes of having another baby, but nature is not playing ball so I have 5years worth of boys clothes and toys to sort through and sell on. Though every time I take something out to sell, my boy insists he was just about to play with that and its actually his favourite ever toy in the whole world ! So its a slow process that I'm best starting on now.


I've been having another look at the IELTS material, is there one that is better than the rest? I suppose the most up to date edition would make the most sense right?


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