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How much paper work do we need to take??


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Hi, We are steadily going through our filing cabinets ( #OMG!!) and we are wondering if anyone can give us advice. How many years of credit history ie pay checks etc do we need to keep? Is there anything essential we need for the rental pack, to help us get credit cards, car insurance etc Any help would be great as we have a paper mountain!!



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Credit card companies & insurance companies are not interested, when you arrive you have zero credit history, you have to start all over again, for your rental pack keep 12 months worth of everything, some rental agents are not intersted, some are, the rental market has slowed down a lot so getting a decent property is a lot easier, with your car insurance you just tick the boxes that apply to you, the only time you will have a problem is if you have an accident, so being able to prove you didn't have an accident in the past 5 years by showing no claims from the UK will help. You need to keep all your paperwork anyway, remember the UK tax man can go back 7 years, and then if he finds something going back 7 years he can go back further, believe me, I know, I got investigated, it was rediculous what he wanted from 10 years ago, he was like a dog with a bone, he just would not let go.

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Hi Druid, Thanks for that. We'll try and cover ourselves, keeping as much as we can. Is it worth getting a no claims? ( think we've got at least 12 years)



When I got car insurance I just ticked the 6 years+ box! they never ask you for proof! but it's handy to have just in case.

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I suppose it depends on your circumstances.

If you're planning on coming here and starting a business and expecting to find investors you'll need a whole lot more than someone looking for a job and a mobile phone contract.

There are lots of horror stories about people needing to provide DNA profiling just to get a rental but our attitude was, here is our evidence, we have a big smile, if you don't like it, we're unlikely to like you, therefore best we don't do business. It's a renters market at the moment so don't worry too much about that.

Not sure about credit cards, that will likely be about your income and circumstances here as your UK credit history is largely irrelevant as far as I'm aware. If you have no job you're unlikely to get credit and even when you do have one you'll likely not be badgered to take a card with a massive credit limit.


I'd say 3-6 months history is plenty. If they ask for more, just laugh at them and tell them to...

Edited by portlaunay
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We shredded most of our files but we did keep enough for a rental pack, the kids school reports, immunisation records and other essential documents. We also scanned everything onto a hard drive in case we lost anything which you could also do for statements etc if you don't want to just throw them away. In fact scanning them was a great idea as in most cases if anyone needed anything we've been able to forward them a scanned copy by email.

Edited by Lou8670
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HI, thank you. Just sitting here reading school reports from when they were in foundation :) Gradually going through everything. Great idea about scanning, will do that this week. Hope you had good time at the meet up. We're nearly there, 7 weeks and we'll be there!

Alison x

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