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How long do certified documents last?


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I have an appointment next Friday with the Justice of Piece to get my documents certified to send to Engineers Australia. After some investigation it is looking like I have to score 20 points from my ILETS which is mid October. I am now thinking of holding of until after my ILETS to see if I manage to score 20 points first. The question is, how long the certified document stay valid for? Surely a few months?



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[TABLE=class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center]


[TD=class: alt1, bgcolor: #F9F9F9]As far as I understand it things like birth certificates, education papers, etc. do not expire because they are statements of fact and have no best before date. Perhaps someone more knowledgable will be along soon.......

If you look on DIAC website they give you suggested wording for certification but do not comment upon whether the validity of certification actually expires.

Good Luck,

Bean x




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