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Jobs for over 60's


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What sort of reception do older folk get when applying for decent jobs? In th UK ageism can exist and especially through agencies it seems they can have a certain profile in mind. Being "very mature" sometimes isn't on the list of desirable qualities? Is it similar in Australia or is it more of a level playing field?.

We are grafters and want to work ( and need to) but how much assistance is available if work just cannot be found . I am sure this won't apply as although I have a lot to offer ( I think ) what happens if no one will employ you but you have not hit pension age yet?.

Anyone senior in age have any feedback or advice to offer?


Edited by Gafukok
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It is about the same as the UK, maybe a little worse. The benefit system is more limited than the UK, particularly if you don't have dependent children. We are a couple with no children and recently looked at what we would receive in benefits. We would get a total of $420 a week including rent assistance between us. To put that in perspective, the average rent is just over that.

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Yeah I agree with Verystormy. It is not as good as UK.

Hi Vburger, thanks for the reply.


Are you talking about the benefit side of things. I can see, unlike the UK, Australia is not a soft touch which I am fine with. I don't want to get in a desperate situation which is why the financial assistance is a concern.

I have every intention to get a job but wonder if most doors will close in my face due to age. I have been in sales all my life and thats where I would probably repay most employers best but I will drive, do deliveries etc but how hard have you found it to get jobs or even interviews ?

Any information from anyone would be welcome


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