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Visa invite received and lodged.....


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Congratulations :)


I was recently granted a 189 that I submitted myself, it was such a good feeling when we got that email through! If I had a penny for each time I checked the application or my email I'd be a very rich person lol I think they're getting through the 190 grants pretty quickly at the moment going by the threads on PIO, good luck xxxx

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  • 1 month later...
I received my invite today for 189 too!

Am lodging tomorrow after I get all my documents certified so I can upload them all straight away. Im really worried Im missing something or have overclaimed or something horrendous!



You do not need your documents certified, they only need to be coloured scans!!


can anyone else confirm they think the same?

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7 weeks and 3 days from lodging our 190 visa application and our case officer has been in contact requesting medicals and PCC. ACRO in the post today and medicals booked for next Wednesday. Whoop whoop.

Oh blimey,

Just counted after seeing your post and our's has been in for 6 weeks, so i guess we would hear back any day now then..... scary stuff. Fingers are crossed!!!!!

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Fab Jueglittergirl, thats great news. I havent heard anything yet, but guessing I might not as Ive uploaded medicals and police checks already. Im still so scared Ive done something wrong!


You sound like your on a similar time scale so far as us, re lodging visa app etc...I spot your also with AMNAC, so wondering if your a nurse? ( Our application went in on SEP 29th)

If so, I love to hear how you get, especially anything n re to APHRA.

Good luck.


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