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New to renting


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Hi all, we have just moved into our first rental. Do you know if the landlord is usually responsible for the water? Or if we need to pay water rates. I'm gong to contact the land lord tomorrow but thought I would find out what's usual in WA.


We have arranged gas and electric, will arrange contents insurance, is there anything else?


if anyone else in currently looking for rentals, feel free to ask any questions, I will try to help from what I've experienced finding one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can you tell me what you included in your application pack that I can get ready before we arrive and have to look for a rental quick sharp? I have a couple of references from neighbours, can bring copies of bank statements to show available funds (we are unlikely to have jobs before arrival to show contracts of employment), our CVs... Not sure what else?? Any ideas, thanks.

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We were not asked for anything. Had it all ready but they took 1 mth rent in advance plus the first 2 weeks. They said they would not bother with references as we were only in temp accom for 9 days. It's a private rental, the house is perfect and the landlords have been more than reasonable so far. Been here 7 weeks now! Good luck.






Can you tell me what you included in your application pack that I can get ready before we arrive and have to look for a rental quick sharp? I have a couple of references from neighbours, can bring copies of bank statements to show available funds (we are unlikely to have jobs before arrival to show contracts of employment), our CVs... Not sure what else?? Any ideas, thanks.
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