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A Month today we landed....


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And Ive just been offered a job!


im so pleased. Its been nice having the time off, given us chance to look around, find what suburbs we like and dont, and allowed us to get things like tax file numbers, medicare, drivers licenses, hbf, etc all sorted!

pauls done his white card and also completed his aussie Fork Lift License, but we are both ready to work again!

just need one of the houses we have applied for to come through....and we will both b very happy

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Loving it so far. The whole rental thing us REALLY frustrating!!!


Youre lucky, the rental market is pretty relaxed at the moment, 3 years ago when we arrived it was horrendous, there were abot 30 people per viewing fighting over the house and rents were sky high, you had to put a deposit down for each house you applied for, if you were accepted for more than one house you would lose the other deposits

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