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State Budget


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So, the state budget is out and can be called little less than a blood bath.


Pretty much everything up - some we don't yet know as it includes the sale of things to the private sector we have yet to be charged for.


What at did we get in return? The destruction of the Esplanade to make way for offices - that given there is already record office availability in Perth - nobody wants and a hotel - that given we have record availability of hotel rooms nobody wants. But, hey, Barnett got a new office built for hundreds of millions.


The he excuse being that he could not foresee the end of the mining boom / poor state of the economy. Mmm every mining boom has gone to bust. Only a matter of years ago WA was an economic basket case. Yet, it was not worth putting any of it away in the good times for now. Instead spent like a teenager armed with a credit card which we all now have to pay for.

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