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Child care question!


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We have been fortunate to have family look after our little boy in the UK whilst we work but obviously this will change once in WA.


As I have a job ready but I don't know where we will be living, is it better for me to look at nurseries close to my job or hold off and wait and see where we end up living? What's the norm?! It's all new to me!



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We visited recently and looked at nursery's in suburbs we were looking to live in. I personally think its better to have one closer to home than work. Its easier to drop them off first than sit in traffic with them for 30mins on your way to work.


Plus once they attend kindy they will be split between nursery and school so having a nursery within your school/home suburb would be easier as the nursery will only drop/collect from certain schools.


Are you looking to live within a short distance of your job?



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Childcare is actually cheaper here if you are PR. Used to cost me 40gbp per day in UK, then $90 in Perth so not much difference, but then you get the CCR rebate which makes it almost half the cost of the UK. I dont know why people think it is so expensive here. You dont get half of your daycare paid in the UK.

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@KatieLou I'm going to be working in Subiaco so won't be living near there due to cost :) although don't want to be too far out that I spend half my time commuting. thanks for all your feedback....perhaps I will wait until we know where we are living before looking into nurseries. Did you see any good nurseries @KatieLou??

And like @waynel and @Weedolly say, the costs don't seem as bad when you look at the rebate. There is an online calculator that estimates this for you. We've never had nursery fees in UK and predict we will still be better off in WA! :) x

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@KatieLou I'm going to be working in Subiaco so won't be living near there due to cost :) although don't want to be too far out that I spend half my time commuting. thanks for all your feedback....perhaps I will wait until we know where we are living before looking into nurseries. Did you see any good nurseries @KatieLou??

And like @waynel and @Weedolly say, the costs don't seem as bad when you look at the rebate. There is an online calculator that estimates this for you. We've never had nursery fees in UK and predict we will still be better off in WA! :) x


The first one we saw was an independent one in canning vale, which I really liked and more importanlty my little girl seemed to like it there she was off having a look around when usually she'd be clung to my leg. they offered the hours we wanted and the flexiblity for when she started kindy.


The others were part of a chain and were ok but just didnt seem to have the same sort of vibe as the first. They also didnt offer 3 day/2day alternate for when she starts kindy and theie before and after school rate seemed very steep.


Oh yes, I forgot to mention about the rebate, unfortunalty because we are only on a 457 we arent entitlied to the 50% rebate.



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That's a shame Katie re rebate. Luckily we are on PR.

So you think you want to be based in Canning Vale? I don't want to limit our options in terms of where we live so making it tricky to narrow down childcare! All depends on what rentals we like when get out there I guess! But think we want to be NOR.

Great your little girl settled into one! X

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That's a shame Katie re rebate. Luckily we are on PR.

So you think you want to be based in Canning Vale? I don't want to limit our options in terms of where we live so making it tricky to narrow down childcare! All depends on what rentals we like when get out there I guess! But think we want to be NOR.

Great your little girl settled into one! X


Yes Canning Vale seems to be our best option at the moment. My OH is already working in Bibra Lake so it would be better for us to stay SOR. I haven't got a job yet but I am hoping to get a job SOR as well. We were going to wait until i had a job before looking but as i dont know how long it'll be before i start work (and there is a possibilty that i might have to temp for a while) I thought it best to decide on somewhere we were both happy with for now.


It might be worth looking at a couple of the nursery chains so you can get an idea of what they offer and they will more than likely have one within a reasonable distance from where you end up settling. GoodStart is one we saw around alot, i did enquire with them but they didnt offer a drop off & pick up from school.

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