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How long does it take to get an invite?

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Hey guys.


I've recently submitted my EOI for the 189 and 190 Visa (26/06/15). I have 65points for the 189 and 70points for the 190 visa. 189 visa is my first choice. I am applying for the Secondary School Teacher occupation and have had my successful qualification assessment through.


I am currently living in Perth on a Tourist visa. I am wondering approx waiting time for the invitation to come through, as i am hoping to get on the bridging visa ASAP so i can start getting back to work.


I am willing to wait 1-2months longer in Aus for the invitation to come through, if it doesn't come by then i'll have to go back to the UK and wait for a response from home.


Any ideas on how how long invitations take to come through? I am aware that the next invitation round is happening tomorrow (06/07/15). My points are quite high so i am hoping i will be a priority.


Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated,


Thanks, Archie x

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You will probably receive an invitation for the 189 either next round or the one after.


However, you need to be aware that any bridging visa will come with the same work conditions as your current visa - so nil. This can be appealed under hardship grounds, but that appeal usually takes a number of months and I would not fancy your chances of success.

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