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Chef on a 190 visa - RPL


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Hello ?


My partner and I are looking to move to Perth in January from the UK. My partner has worked as a chef for 12 years and has been a head chef for the last 12 months.

We are looking to come over on the 190 state nominated visa. Chris doesn't have any qualifications as a chef, so we think vetaccess might be a little risky, so we are looking into chris doing a RPL (recognised prior learning) which could turn his skills into a recognised qualification in Australia; a iv commercial cookery.


Has anyone done this before? Or know if the RPL could work for obtaining the visa? Or has anyone done a skills assessment for an unqualified but experienced chef ???


I would be really grateful for any advice?. I keep getting told, and reading different things and my hopes keep yoyo-ing ?


thanks, Sophie

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Thanks for the info!


We will hopefully be over on a WHV while the application goes through, after doing the skills assessment and IELTS in uk. So hopefully the job offer won't be an issue and he can get one easily enough from Perth.




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Thank you!


So ive been told by an agent that he could be nominated by New South Wales as it will be much easier and chefs are more in demand, but can live in Perth. Is that correct? It seems wrong....

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