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Childcare costs


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Can anyone give me an idea of what it might cost for three children (4 year old twins and a two year old). They are currently with a registered childminder in the UK on an hourly rate and I was wondering what registered childminders charge in Perth?


Any advice would be much appreciated.


Thanks ?

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Hi E2306,


I pay $77 a day for my 3yo little girl in nursery fees. This is fairly cheap compared to some other with were $90-$100 a day. If you have a PR visa you should be entiled to a rebate on this aswell.


Im not sure what the hourly rate would be for a childminder, they dont seem to be as common over here than in the UK.


KatieLou x

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Most childminders here charge for a half day or full day, just like day care. Its called family day care here so search for that and yoh will be able to find rates for them. Most are the same price as day care, around $80/100 a day! If you have PR you will get a 50% rebate and if you earn under the income limit you may get some child care benefit too. After the rebate and benefit we pay around $30 a day so its really cheap compared to the UK where we were paying £42 a day!

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