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Condition 8539 on 489 Visa, confusing!!!!


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Im getting mixed messages from people at Immi, not sure they know what they are doing!! Im trying to get around the 12 months working part, trying to complete 12 months work asap then thought I could then work outside the regional area, but still live regionally.


Been told yes one minute, then no I have to do two years work and then, 1 years work but this cant just be done in the first year and then go out of regional areas......confused massively!!! aarrggghhh!!



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The condition is:

You must work in a regional area for 12 months. You must live in a regional area for 2 years.


Never take advice from immi. I know that sounds odd, but they are notorious for giving bad advice - PIO is littered with posts from people in difficulties as a result of following their advice. They have a legal immunity from such consequences.

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Hey Stormy, bless ya!


Ive had 3 different bits of information from them! I though I could get the 12 months out the way in the first year, then work in Perth. They said I couldn't do this, one person said yes and another said I had to do 2 years!!! The living part is easy, I just though I could get to march, pass the 12 months and then work elsewhere....no idea now!!

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The 12 month thing isn't the issue, thought could do this in the first 12 months and get it out of the way, but was told wasn't the case. Was told I can be unemployed for the remaining 12 months, work or study but cant go out the region after the 12 months, if this makes sense?!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, that is 100%.


If if you have any doubts, look up Alan Collet - a member on here and also the managing director of Go Matilda


i have a bit of casual work as a geologist. Doing two and one. Not great and crap pay but it is keeping our heads above water.


Would love a beer. I am flying to work today, but in a couple of weeks when I get back would be good.

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I am always shocked Camilla by the things that DIBP tell people - had one on PIO not long ago who was told he could apply for a 189 when aged 55.[/



Very worrying! I hear this quite often!!! Mind you not as shocking as some of the "advice" I read on here!!! I do try and point people in the right direction when time permits but sometimes I read things and think uh oh, refusal looming! WIth the exhorbitant fees now, it can be a very expensive mistake getting it wrong and if on shore a potential S.48 bar from making another onshore application - therefore opening a whole new can of worms! Keep hearing of more and more refusals for 457's and partners, getting tougher!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Alan, thanks for contacting me privately as well. I was just trying to confirm if I started on Feb 8th in a Rural job in 2015, that come Feb 9th 2016, I can then work in Perth as would have done the 12 months regional work.

As above you need to work in regional Australia until the grant of the 887 visa as you are bound by the conditions of the 489. Breaching the conditions of the 489 could lead to a refusal of the 887 visa.

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