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Arrived last night


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Hi every one. Just arrived after a mammoth drive from Adelaide.


I'm Richard 39 a Carpenter and looking for work here. I have a shot term accommodation lined up for a few weeks.


Does any one want to meet up for a beer or a chin wag. My partner and 6 month old daughter are back in Wales for a holiday while I have a look around Perth to see if we want to settle here. we already have a house back in Adelaide but may rent it out if we settle here.


Been living in Adelaide for 4 years now. A little fed up there really as there is not much work going there with lots of unemployment etc.


what part are all the new housing going up? maybe there will be work there. I have a job lined up in the city for next week which will do for now but not long term.


also any advice on beach suburbs with affordable rent? Yanchep is nice iv heared..


looking forward to hearing from you



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Welcome mate and good luck with everything ,great part of the world to live and lots of good suberbs to choose from so its all a case of horses for courses really ,ask around the sights like Lou mentioned for work as there are loads of new build from Dawesville up to Singleton.Rental wise can get a great place from $400+ 4 X 2 so you might be on to a winner straight away if you can rent yours out for more.Any enough rambling welcome to Wa.

The Chitchats

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Hi Richard,

We'll be interested to see how you get on with your exploring.

All the best from another Welsh family in Adelaide, also looking at Perth as potential next home :)


. Hey your not by chance wayne and wife? We met the other day in port willunga i was with the family. I worked with wayne in adelaide.....?

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