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Poms In Perth In Business


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When I arrived here in 2011 I got my business strategywrong. My approach was more London than Perth. I was like “Hey, I’m from thefuture, I know stuff. This is how you should do stuff….”…. I was a tall poppyand quickly cut down. It was a strategy, I changes it to something more me.Here it’s who, not what you know. I created a LinkedIn group. We have 50members. Join, check out the other members, she who know who, that knows you.


Nothing to sell you, no agenda. Unless you want to buy sometraining of course.

Connections are the new currency someone said, and I believethem.

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I think its about looking for commonality with other members really. I was also in a sales role at the time, with a huge target. I joined every networking group going, every night of the week I was in some bar somewhere.... networking ! I also joined local trade bodies, the ACS in my case.... Good luck. Perth is slow right now, you are going to have to work that much harder. But THERE is work out there !

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