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Car insurance


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Hi folks


Anyone know if car insurance is expensive? Reason I am asking is I sold my car to try and save some moneyabout a year and a half ago. I will lose my NCB of 6 years before we leave and I just found out that I could use my UK NCB in Australia. Wondering if I should by a banger for the winter to keep my NCB or should I just start again in Australia.


Any thoughts?

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You're ncb should be valid for at least two years ,used to be three, depends on the insurer you're going to.


im with Woolworths over here, they asked about ncb, I was honest, but they've never asked for any proof or whether it was gained here in Aus. The max seems to be 6 years here. They also didn't ask when it was from.


re price. I was under £200 for my past few cars, including mx5s and an Astra vxr. Here I've got a ford falcon xr6 with a 4litre engine and I think it was about $370, so I'd say comparable.

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Think the certificate I got from my last insurer says 9 years as that all they recognise, but I think i was about 15/16. The most on the comparison websites over here is 6 years so that's what I put.


mx5s are awesome, I had 2 at the same time. An import 1989 mk1 for the track and a mk3 for the road. Not entirely practical though.

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I also didn't need to provide any proof of NCB. They just asked me how many years I'd had a license and if I'd claimed in the last 5 years. It isn't expensive here, your Rego already comes with a 3rd party insurance, which covers the cost of personnel injury if you hit someone, so they don't have to hike up costs like the UK.


You also don't have to have separate insurance because of that, but if you hit someone / something the rego insurance only covers injury to a person, so repair costs of their car (if it was your fault) is up to you.



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