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Anyone got a job from the UK to qualify for state sponsorship?


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Hi my husband has received a positive skills assessment for CSOL schedule 2 job and we excitedly thought it was just a case of finding him a job, applying for state sponsorship and we'd be on the plane. However, we have seen a lot of research that suggests that he won't get a job from the UK so just wondered if this is what you found? Hoping to hear some positive stories... He is a project manager for highways and traffic signals



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Hi and welcome to the forum


It does happen, but rarely. Generally occupations on schedule 2 are occupations which have no shortage of local people applying. The problem is time - when a company advertisers a position, it wants it filled there and then - within a couple of months maximum. However, it would take considerably longer to wait for someone to get their visa granted and make the move. But all you can do is keep applying. Are any other states offering sponsorship?

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I got my job from the UK, but as VS says, they wanted me there asap, so ended up on a 457, but as soon as I arrived applied for a sponsored PR visa, 9 months later I had it in my hand, so it can be done.


Thank you both for your responses. WA is the only state Very Stormy but it's also where we have family so our preference anyway. Druid we could come on a 457 but didn't think many employers would be happy to do this. How did you find your job? Apply direct to employers/recruitment agencies? Are you in a similar industry?


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