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daaughter diagnosed, how will this affect the visa

Guest dad2girls

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Guest dad2girls


my daughter was diagnosed yesterday as having Kabuki syndrome. Its an individual thing so the doctors cant say what she will have and what she wont. they are sending her for a heart scan and kidney scanbut have said that they dont think anything is wrong with them and its mainly going to be learning difficulties that we will be dealing with. they also said that there may e nothing t all wrong with her apart from a few bodily signe .i.e floppy ears. She is 2yrs old in a couple of weeks and they cant tell us anything else until she is atleast 4yrs old. we have already aplied for the visa and DH is due for his vetassess in april. How do you think this will affect our visa application? the genetecist said aus has an excellent service if there is a problem but its whether we can get there.

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Guest Letasha

Hi there - i am really sorry to hear that but im sure it wont affect ur app. I am not sure but why dont u try and contact the surgery where u will have your medicals. I would think they would know more about which ilnesses etc are acceptable to still be allowed to imigrate. Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but i hope u know what i mean. Also it may cost a bit more but if u agree to take out medical insurance rather than relying on medicare they may be more forthcoming. Good Luck - hope u guys get there!

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