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Started the process


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Hi All, Me, my husband and two children age 5 and 6, have started the process to go to perth. My husband has applied to Perth Ambulance, and is going through the interview stage, and if successful he will get sponsership through them.

We have 3 dogs, which we wanted to take with us, but i believe 2 is the maximum amount to take, so we may have to leave one with family.

Were excited, but nervous too about the process. Keep thinking of daft things like leaving partys etc.

id love to chat to anyone on here,



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Guest KerryandCraig

Hi Claire, my boyfriend has been offered a job & is due to start in January. The job was originally in Brisbane but a new office is opening in Perth so we are going there. Perth was always where we wanted to live so we are really happy!


Currently waiting for the house to sell, this is really frustrating as the housing market is shocking! Its like our lives are on hold at the moment, we just seam to be waiting for everything to fall into place & can't make any definite plans! I have decided not to have a leaving party as I think I will spend the entire time crying!


We have no children (im 32 & Craig is 34). But we will be bringing our dog over. Can not believe how much this is going to cost!


We are also going to Perth on holiday in October, I have never been so im really excited!


Kerry x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi tappers2oz, has your huscband applied for the ambulance? my hubby now had interview and behavioural test. Waiting to see if he is through to the next step which is the fitness test. Fingers crossed. Told my dad and step mum at weekend, it didnt go down very well. i have to remember why we applied for this though.

hopefully we will all be successful in the process. i dont know about anyone else but theres not a day when i dont think of it?


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Yes Claire WA amb service also.


We are going to tell our family if we get through the paper sift. We applied to NSW a few years ago but were unsuccessful (Hubby is technician and they wanted Paramedics only) and my side were not best pleased. In laws are more then happy for us and told us to go for it.


Re thinking about it a lot, same here. I'm either on Poms In Oz or researching areas/prices/houses etc etc. Just in case.

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Is your hubby still a technician?? WA took a long while to reply the first time. Think it was the 30th may when dan originally applied, but once they accepted his intitial application, things have moved along quite fast. His clinical interview was quite tough but they told him he passed that. The area they have available at the moment is perth metro. They have para training course in nov 2011, feb 2012 and april 2012. I so hope he gets in. Its 6 days today since his interview, and they said they would let him know in 7 days, so hope the next email appears in the morning. Have you been before??


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Guest Suziepops

Hi all

A couple of books that make for good reading, very informative;

Have a look on Amazon, Living and Working in Australia: A Survival Handbook (Living & Working) [Paperback] from £1.17 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Living-Worki.../dp/1905303688



Another great book is The migrants guide to emigrating and settling in Australia, this can be ordered from www.pomsdownunder.com


Hope these can help some of you along the way. :smile:

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