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What are the college costs for teens?

Guest Tiffany

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We are moving to Perth end of this year and will be living in temporary accommodation until we have researched a suitable place to live. On our citeria list is good schooling and therefore would appreciate any recommendations. We are happy to consider an Independant school for our 8 year old daughter and would appreciate a guide to the average cost.


Also, can anyone advise me on the college costs for school leavers (have 2 boys 16&17) going onto further education please. Naturally it is A levels/Btecs in the UK but what is the equivilent in Oz? Can you recommend any well reputed colleges?


Thanks to all.

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Independent schools charge different prices and there isn't really an average, like the UK WA has it's share of elite private schools which cost considerably more than some others. You'd be better to know the areas you're looking to live in and approaching the private schools in that area. A lot of people go to state primary then choose private secondary.


Here the equivelent of the GCSE/A level course are years 11 and 12 at High School, my daughter is 16 and in year 11, children generally stay at school until year 12 to get their graduation (WACE) certificate before going onto Uni.




I'm still getting my head around the system here, which is very different to the UK. I have a friend whose daughter stayed in the UK to do A levels and was able to get into Uni with the results. Here year 11 and 12 are a 2 year course and examinations in year 11 count towards your final marks.

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