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Info for Sparkies


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Hi all


Im new to this site and am interested in any info the Class A exam, expected wages, any other help or job offers lol that any one may have. I am an installation spark with lots of experience house bashing and commercial. I have done a bit of industrial and had a couple of years doing maintainance. We hope to arrive in Perth around July/August and will probably settle NOR.


Any help would be great




Jay :D

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Guest RikandJules

Hope this may help going through the pain myself

To Obtain a WA Electrical Licence when your qualifications have been gained overseas, you must have an Australian Recognised Trade Certificate in the trade of electrical mechanic (for Installing work) or electrical fitter (for maintenance).


Applications for an Australian Recognised Trade Certificate (ARTC) can be made by contacting Trades Recognition Australia on 1300 360 992 or +61 3 9954 2537. They are open Monday to Thursday 9am to 7pm & Friday 9am to 4pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, excluding public holidays. http://www.workplace.gov.au/workplace/Programmes/TRA/2SkillsassessmentforAustralianresidents.htm


This will take a minimum on 1 month. When the ARTC is received, you must then forward a copy to us with the attached application form and pay the non refundable application fee of $36.


We will then issue a letter for you to sit a practical and short theory test conducted at TAFE. (In some cases TRA will make the applicant sit a Trades Test in order to get the ARTC. If this is the case, we will exempt the applicant from the practical test upon proof that the Trades Test has been passed.) The theory test is based on the Standards Australia publication "Wiring Rules AS/NZS3000.2000." This can be purchased from Standards Australia. Their address is 165 Adelaide Terrace Perth and the phone number is 9221 6700.


Optional - You may be eligible to apply for a Permit to Work Under Supervision if you have an employer. This allows you to work while waiting to sit the tests. To do so the applicant and supervisor must complete the attached form. This permit is valid for one year and cost $63.


Once you have passed your exams/course, you are required to pay $315 for your electrical licence. The registration will be valid for 5 years from the date of issue. Our internal processing time is around 4 weeks.


Your first step is to apply for an Australian Recognised Trade Certificate by contacting Trades Recognition Australia. If you have already done so, you may lodge your application form with us.




Angela McGuckin

A/Projects Officer


303 Sevenoaks Street (corner of Grose Avenue)

Cannington WA 6107

Ph: 08 9422 5282

Fax: 08 9422 5244






Sent: Tuesday, 18 March 2008 4:31 AM

To: energylicensing

Subject: Help





I am a fully qualified electrician in the uk and currently awaiting my visa. I am trying to find out if my uk qualifications are relevant in western australia,if not how do I go about getting the correct registration or australian qualification(s).





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Hi RikandJules


Thanks for you reply i will look into that. How is it going with your application. Are you in Oz yet if so is there still plenty work.


Sorry for all the question





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Guest RikandJules

Hi Jay


Not in oz yet still waiting for a case officer.Expecting 2 b in uk at least another year


Applied July 07

Application Acknowledged Dec 07

March 08 still waiting


I have been in touch with Gobbyjock on this site her other half neil is a spark and they r out in Perth await some feedback on jobs,schools,areas to live etc.Neil pretty much said what Angela detailed from energy safety.

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Guest geegriff

:Wub: You seem to be a long time waiting for CO?


Tra passed April 07

application submitted June 07

acknowledged Nov 07

CO 8th Jan 08

meds & pc 28th Jan 08

Just waiting now.



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Guest RikandJules

Patience is a virtue.You passed ur tra in april well before me as I did not start my process till late july 07. According to our consultant 3x more people applied b4 the sept 1st immigration law changes. Do not know if any delay is due to my applying as a spark.Everytime I contact my consultant he just tells me to be patient.


Anyway u decided about where to live?? schools(if u have kids) job etc

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Guest geegriff
Patience is a virtue.You passed ur tra in april well before me as I did not start my process till late july 07. According to our consultant 3x more people applied b4 the sept 1st immigration law changes. Do not know if any delay is due to my applying as a spark.Everytime I contact my consultant he just tells me to be patient.


Anyway u decided about where to live?? schools(if u have kids) job etc


Hi Rik & Jules

We got our visa yesterday!!!!

just recovering from hangover.



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Guest RikandJules

:cool: Nice one-pleased 4 you both.Dead jealous!!--Now starts the planning and move you got house and cars to sell etc??. I assume you have 12 months to enter.


Going to go and work on tomorrows hangover


Keep in touch



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