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Meet ups and Playgroups in Mindarie for me, my 5, 3 and 1 year old children?

Guest Pamela Campbell McGuigan

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Guest Pamela Campbell McGuigan

We just got news our visas have been granted and things are moving fast with the intention that we arrive in Perth in early November! We are hoping to settle in Mindarie so just trying to make some connections now in that area. We have Doone who is our 5 year old daughter and Newlin who is our 3 year old son and Maeryn who is our 16 month old daughter.


Any information and advice on what we can do to meet new friends in the area would be great!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Pamela Campbell McGuigan

Thanks Shell, I'll PM you. You've been there for 16 months now. What's it like? My little girl will be starting in Mindarie ps, they seem to be a good school .

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We love it. Have settled really well, made good friends and kids all good.

Don't know personally about Mindarie school as my youngest goes to Quinns Rocks (rented in Quinns first), but have friends whose kids are there and they love it. All the primary schools seem to be good here though.

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Iv just arrived and living in joondalup so not too far from mindarie! I have a twoyear old daughter kayleigh and would be interested in meeting up :0) check.buhhybuddys website they have some organised events which i might try soon! Im also starting the local playgroup, Im sure mindarie will have one too!!


Good luck with the move and final few weeks! My email.is laurajess81@gmail.com if its easier t get me there!



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Guest DianeMcG

Hi Pamela and everyone, I was also going to suggest www.buggybuddys.com.au and www.playgroupaustralia.com.au The buggybuddys site is great, loads of meet ups and playdates set up all the time, I'm looking forward to joining in with a few. There is also a facebook page to yummymummiesinperth (i think).

I leave on the 26th October with my 2 year old son Jack and will be living in Carramar which i'm sure isn't too far from Mindarie.

If you fancy any play dates with us you can e-mail me on d_garland@hotmail.co.uk


Diane x

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Guest Pamela Campbell McGuigan

I am going to get details of local groups and try them out. Thought it'd be nice to get a meet up with people on here too. We'd need someone who knows the area to suggest somewhere to meet. I'll be free and looking for things to do from 7th November if anyone fancies a meet up at a park or a playgroup? Or even just a child friendly coffee house? Any ideas anyone?

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Hi girls..


Theres a lovely place near us all called mullalo, nice walk along dunes and huge park area to let kids toddle around also has slides.n.stuff and a nice big cafe called dome across the road :0) be perfect for a meet up with kids! If i find anywhere else ill let ye know!! If i can help u with anything else let me know! Starting playgroyp on Tuesday so ill let u know how that goes too :0

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Guest Pamela Campbell McGuigan
We love it. Have settled really well, made good friends and kids all good.

Don't know personally about Mindarie school as my youngest goes to Quinns Rocks (rented in Quinns first), but have friends whose kids are there and they love it. All the primary schools seem to be good here though.


We looked at Quinns too and would still consider it but have seen more to suit us in Mindarie, hope there's some left when we arrive! We've tried to put a bind down from here but they won't let us. :o(

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Guest Pamela Campbell McGuigan
Hi girls..


Theres a lovely place near us all called mullalo, nice walk along dunes and huge park area to let kids toddle around also has slides.n.stuff and a nice big cafe called dome across the road :0) be perfect for a meet up with kids! If i find anywhere else ill let ye know!! If i can help u with anything else let me know! Starting playgroyp on Tuesday so ill let u know how that goes too :0


Mullalo sounds great! Definitely let us know how your visit to the playgroup goes!

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  • 8 months later...

Pamela, did you end up settling in Mindarie?? We've just arrived (less than a week ago) & love the area. We've had a look around the primary school which seems fantastic, unfortunately there's a waiting list for Kindie. We're just worried that we won't find a permanent rental in the next 5wks & so should we be considering other areas?

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Guest chris_and_miriam

Hi Pamela,


I know it's been a while since you posted this thread but wondered if you're still looking to meet new mums?


I've recently moved to Clarkson with my husband and 8 month old daughter. In an attempt to meet some local mums I've been helping set up a mums group with a difference. The difference is that the kids get looked after in a creche while the mums have morning tea, listen to a practical talk, have a discussion, do a craft and socialise. It's OK if you'd prefer to keep your baby or child with you and not put them in the creche, they can join in with the mums :-) This group is part of MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) which has been running in Australia for over 20 years. (http://mops.org.au/)


If you're still looking to meet new mums come along to Oceans Church, Clarkson (located in the Seventh Day Adventist Church, 7 Ainsbury Parade, cnr Marmion Ave & Renshaw Blvd) on Thursday 5th July at 10:30am. Our group meets every fortnight and runs until 12/12:30pm. There is a charge of $8 per mum to cover the costs of morning tea and craft items.


If you'd like to know more check out our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/OceansMOPS), reply to this thread, emailoceansmops@gmail.com or call 0430 548 059.


Hopefully I'll see you there on Thursday 5th July

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hi pamela


we have just arrived to perth move into our rental house in Mindarie on thursday 5th July


we have a 7 year old daughther who will hopefully start Mindarie primary we are due to visit the school next week!


Took us a while to decide where settle and we hope we have made a good choice


love to meet up with you when you arrive let me know




Samantha, Rob and Abigail

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