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where do I start??? help please

Guest pomaco

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Guest pomaco

Hi everyone....I'm loving this site by the way!!!!!:P


To cut a long story short, we would like to move to Perth.

My husband is a Mechanical engineer (Btec & Hnc)

Don't even know if his qualifivations would be valid in WA.

He's got a pretty good CV over here (south Wales UK)

I'm a registered chil minder with a NVQ3 in Childcare.

I'm in no hurry to work....Need to settle family first:D


Hubby needs a job tho!!!!

We've got 4 girls 12,11,9,3

We've done the self assesment thingy for the point and we would qualify.

Now call me stupid but where do I go from here?????????????

What's the first steps, do I really need a agent? it seems expensive.


Thank you so much for reading.

Any tips are more than welcome.

Karine x

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Guest shaz'n'daz

Hi to you and your family, me and my husband got our visa's through the emigration group and although it cost us somewhere around £5000 by the time we had got it, it was by far the best route for us. I know you can do it yourself but we were told that if the application was rejected you could not re-apply for a set time and we just didn't want to wait.


Although we are still in the uk at the moment because we had a baby, he is now 18 months old and we are just finishing our house so that it's ready to put up for sale. We are hoping to return to perth towards the end of the year.


All i can tell you is that if i was to do it all over again i would defo use the emigration group, they were great. If you have time on your hands to sit at a desk or computer filling out all of the forms then you would perhaps be ok doing it yourself but we both worked full time and once we had seen all of the paper work it scared us off doing it ourselves.


Hope it all goes well for you cus australia is sooo nice.

Me and my husband have been to perth twice and have been back in the uk for 8 months this time and really miss everything about it.:D

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Guest suzie p

Go to a agent we did best thing got our visas in under a year someone i know started 6months before us without a agent and are still waiting . my husband at first thought it was a waste of money coz there is still a lot to do .but agent was really upfront on first meeting told us our chance of getting in was really good but if that had not been the case he would have told us as well as he said you dont want to waste time and money . it is expensive but you know all the forms and there is a lot are filled in right before they are sent off and its good to have someone that knows all the answers to a lot of stupid questions .it was right for our family

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Guest wardy

The way I understand it is if you try to get in as an engineer you have to have degree.


As suggested I would try and speak to an agent we used overseas emigration, the emigration group was a bit out of our price range sorry shaz :)


Most good agents will give you a free 15 minute consultation to let you know what visa you qualify for and can apply for. Then if you want you cantake it from there.


good luck

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Guest pomaco

Thank you for reading and especially answering.

I am now convinced using an agent is well worth the money.

Kay, do you ming me asking how muxh did yours cost?

Do you thing it's realistic to think we would go in the sumer 2009?

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Guest tracywilson
Hi everyone....I'm loving this site by the way!!!!!:P


To cut a long story short, we would like to move to Perth.

My husband is a Mechanical engineer (Btec & Hnc)

Don't even know if his qualifivations would be valid in WA.

He's got a pretty good CV over here (south Wales UK)

I'm a registered chil minder with a NVQ3 in Childcare.

I'm in no hurry to work....Need to settle family first:D


Hubby needs a job tho!!!!

We've got 4 girls 12,11,9,3

We've done the self assesment thingy for the point and we would qualify.

Now call me stupid but where do I go from here?????????????

What's the first steps, do I really need a agent? it seems expensive.


Thank you so much for reading.

Any tips are more than welcome.

Karine x


Hi there


Defo use an agent!! Our sponsor died halfway through our app so we relied on them for that extra bit of support and we have been here nor for almost a year


My how time flies when your having fun!!




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  • 1 month later...
Guest pagey67

We were going to go it alone, but after reading lots of posts are seriously considering using an agent.


Anybody recommend one? Have looked at numerous fancy websites, but would welcome anyones suggestions, if you have/are using a good one.


Many thanks

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Guest lorraine1627



I would recommend you try Go Matilda we were using another agent before we used these and they were a waste of space. Go Matilda was recommended to us by a friend who got their visas within six months. We have found them to be highly professional and they have not given us any false information. They have pointed us in the right direction for all the form filling and when we have not done this correctly they have told us they would not let it go through if they thought you hadnt got a chance of getting in. They seem to be alot cheaper than other agents used from the previous post above. With five of us having to pay full adult prices we would have spent in the end about 3500. Go Matilda are based in Southampton and have offices in Australia. Give them a ring and have a chat cos they will give you all the information you need before you even pay a penny.


Good Luck



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Guest Andrew & Sharron



We were in a similar position to you a couple of weeks ago and were recommended an agent - ~Ian Harrop~ he doesn't advertise, preferring to get his business via previous clients recommending him. I rang the office spoke to the lady on the phone and gave her some general information, then the same day Ian rang my husband and spent 20mins talking though his skills etc. and said we were able to apply for a 136. Two days later everything came through in writing. Well worth a call if only to get the free advice!

Check out the costs at www.ianharrop.co.uk

Hope this helps and good luck!



Andrew (Bricklayer)

Matty (12)

Kenan (9)

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Guest The.Lawcants



were using visa connections who are also very helpful and reasonably priced. Haven't heard / read any bad reports about them so far and everything seems to be going to timescales set. www.visaconnections.



Jane :D

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Guest mojo

HI Guys

My hubby is applying along the same line of skills, it is really needed out there. We are with australian-migration.com they have been really helpful so far. You need to contact them and get the ball rolling, we are awaiting answer for the skills assesment..really nervous fingers crossed aye.


Good luck

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Guest pagey67

You need to check if his skills need assessing before you apply for a visa (check on the immi sight skills list it will tell you). If so this will be your first step. My OH is a bricklayer and he needs to get his VETASSESS before we can start applying for the visa.


We were going to go it alone, but having printed off all the paperwork and reading other posts felt it was worth investing in an agent. We have decided to go with Go Matilda, their quote was reasonable and came recommended. Others have done it without an agent, I think it depends on how confident and how much time you have.


Although I consider myself to be organised and have the necessary skills to do it, feel I want the security and expertise an agent (the right one!) offer.



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Guest emi-great



I feel that if your application is fairly straight forward ie you have trade certificates & references for the skill you are applying under. If you have no trade certificates but had on the job training which you can prove with references etc that is usually still ok but is harder to get everything together then you would need a migration agent.


We used Ian Harrop years ago he was very good with our application which was far from simple so I would recommend him.


Good luck with the move




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Guest Andrew & Sharron

Just as an update,


After our initial assessment we sent of the first payment of £705 and had a two hour telephone consultation the next week, where we were given in depth information on what we needed to do for the visa and skills application. We have now just about got together all the references etc that we need and these will be submitted to VetAssess in the next 10 days. Then we wait and hopefully Andrew will be invited to take the test in October. The agent has been brilliant, helping me write draft letters etc to ensure that they will be accepted, all mails are replied to the same day and nothing is too much trouble, well worth the money.

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Guest dawnandmartin


We used a agent and it was great took a lot of hassle out of thew process....I ahve to say that you do need to get it right first time as they are a bit funny if you get turned down and have to reapply a second time from what i have heard. We were really happy to use the agent.


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