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457 to PR

Guest Tyles

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Guest Tyles

Staying in Australia on a temporary visa 457 - Can one apply for Permanent residency without jeopardising the current 457 visa? (I'm talking about General Skilled - not employer sponsored) Need to check with immigration obviously- just wondered whether somebody had gone that route?

Also - I think the LAFHA goes once PR application is lodged?


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  • 2 months later...
Guest Clare



Yes you can apply for your permanant visa whilst in Oz on a 457 visa as we have just completed this exercise.


It took approximately 4 1/2 months from start to finish.


You have to have all the medicals and police checks(oz this time) done again.


If you do it independantly and not through your sponsor you will have to leave the country to validate your visa at a oz embassy .We visited bali for the week.


hope this helps



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Guest Tyles

Thanks Paul. That's good to know. Did you loose your 'Living away from Home allowance' when you lodged the application or only after it was approved?

How silly that you have to leave the country to validate the visa - especially as Australia is not particularly easy to leave for a weekend! How long time do they give you to validate the visa? Maybe one could combine it with the annual trip to Europe...

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