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Any advice on relocating?

Guest burton1

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Guest burton1

:confused: Hi, we have just let our house and will be moving to Perth at end of May. Any advice we might need before we get there with regards to moving and what we should know would be very well received. We will also be looking to rent a furnished place for a few weeks until our own furniture arrives in the Woodvale area. Please help if you can as it all seems rather daunting at mo!


Tracey, Phill, Tom and George Burton

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ElaineR

Hi Burton Family


We moved 4 months ago and there are a few things I would definitely do differently:


1. Bring as many personal items as you can...it'll help you settle. We sold all of our furniture and brought only ourselves and our very full suitcases. I found it hard to settle and going shopping every day for beds, housewares etc...was a nightmare. especially with a 7 hr old. I now feel that had I some of my own things around me it would have been better.

2. Arrange care hire. I will find out the names of a couple and let you know.

3. Go onto realestate.com.au and look for furnished accommodation, other areas closeby to Woodvale are: Kingsley, Pearsall, Hocking.

4. Bring all immunisation records of your kids if you have any, these are required for School enrollment and any childcare.

5. If you require medication for anything...please please please go to your GP before you leave and stock up. I needed items for my daughter and I was charged $250 ...same goes for dental treatment.


If there is anything you need advice on, please let me know.




Elaine x

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Guest burton1

Dear Elaine,

Thanks for your reply, good advice which we will take! Unfortunately the tenants we had lined up here in UK for our house have fallen through so we are back to square one with trying to sell or rent or house. Very frustrated and hoping things will pick up here.

Thanks again for your advice, anything else you can think of would be much appreciated.


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Guest corbiere

Hi Tracey,


If it helps at all we have a short term brand new fully furnished rental currently available at the end of May. We have also negociated a very good deal with a local Car Hire company who will deliver the car to the house and pick you up at the airport with all your luggage in a minibus. The house is in Ocean Keys about 10 minutes from Woodvale. We are also next to Clarkson Train Station. If you are interested drop me an e-mail to corbiere@westnet.com.au with your dates.

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Guest burton1


Thanks for your message and we would probably have taken you up on your offer, however, the tenants we had lined up to take our property here have since pulled out and we are back to square one. We need to let or sell our house here before we come out so unfortuately we are back to waiting around again. As and when we do have a buyer or tenant we will be in touch. Many thanks again,

Tracey and Phill Burton

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest conehead

Hi guys


have just found out about this site, it is run by the wife of a possible future colleague who emmigrated last year. she basically helps with whatever it is you need help with be it information, accomadation, transport, utilities etc. could be V useful to lots of new arrivals or would be's.


:o!!!By the way got a case officer and a job offer on the same day yesterday 15 th may 08!!! champagne duly popped !! our application was lodged on 27th august 07 for an independant skilled 136 visa. Medicals booked early june in cambridge...hope the hangover has worn off by then (hic).:Rofl::Rofl:.


Need those visas as we have accepted offer on house, hope we dont get mucked about in the current market.:eek:


Hope this helps and would be great to hear if anyone else who applied last summer has a CO. i know the higher english exam that came in in sep put a big delay on things.


Cheers guys and will keep you posted.


paul the conehead.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys

i think that the reply from ElaineR was spot on i would also add:

Bring the last few school reports for your kids, the school my boys went to wanted to put them back a year, but i quickly got them faxed over, as i had packed them with our belongings (doh!) Medical records/vaccination records a must.

take a deep breath when you arrive, and allow a few days to chill, as you will be running round in cirlcles, trying to get everything done.

get some good financial advice here either before you come or when you arrive.

A new friend of mine, walked into westpac bank to open an account when she arrived in Quinns Rock, and they must of thought 'oh great fresh meat'. 2 hours later she had an account, life insurance, personal income protection, house and contents, super/pension transfer and a mortgage offer. She regreted it after and wished she hadnt been sucked in. But she had signed up!!

I could private message you the details of a great INDEPENDENT financial guy, who has been so benificial to my family, he is totally not part of any big company, and shops around for the best deals. He came to our house a couple of weeks after we arrived and expained everything to us (even with diagrams for me to understand) on everything from bank accounts / mortgages and the taxation system.


Anyway sorry ive probably bores you enough!!


Good luck with the house and keep smiling, i'm sure things will turn out ok



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