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just starting off!

Guest clint01

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Guest clint01

Hi all,


We have just started our 457 sponsour visa and hopeing to move to Perth,

we have two small children of 4 and 2 yrs.Can anyone advise us of healthcare costs and schooling costs as we wont have pernement residency for a couple of yrs.also what is it like to rent in Perth and costs for a 3/4 bed house? Any info on anything would be great.


Many Thanks


The Walkers

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Guest suzy+1

Hi, for healthcare you should be covered by medicare (a reciprocal agreement between oz and UK) so its our equivalent to the NHS, so its free but only covers the basics (GP, urgent hospital treatment etc) have to pay for prescriptions (and ambulance call out).

Rent is expensive im afraid, i would search the rental sites now so you know the prices your looking at, obviously closer to the CBD is more expensive.

My daughters not at school yet but i think you just pay for school text books etc (unless you send them to a private school-which are cheaper than the UK).

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