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Newbee from Queensland

Guest zoda

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Hi everyone

Just found your site after being in Aussie for over 1 year now. I may not have made so many mistakes if i had found you earlier!

In a nutshell we left the UK over 5 years ago and lived in New Zealand gorgeous place but we couldn't settle always wanted to try Australia, so here we are in Gold Coast unfortunately we got here as it was booming out of all proportion and now we can't get on the housing ladder hence we are moving to Perth. This is where we were emigrating originally 10 years ago!

We have found out that the government in Perth have put in $300.000,000 in the First start shared equity program which helps new first time home owners. Which means as long as you fit the criteria you can apply. This will help us to have our own home so we can feel we can settle. My husband has already been over to have a quick look around he has found some land in The Glades subdivision over in Byford south of Perth CBD where it is cheaper and in time will grow. Does anybody live in this region? Apparently this is going to be a huge growth area with primary schools and state schools and a massive shopping complex going in.

Look forward to chatting to all you guys

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest The.Colebecks

Welcome to the site :D


Good luck with your move to Perth. We hope to be there ourselves by September - CAN'T WAIT :Rofl:!!!


Kind regards

Karen & Co

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