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The Roads been long......but, WE'VE MADE IT!!!!!!!!

Guest jules

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Guest jules

Hi All


Anyone who's been following my recent troubled threads in the 'migration' section WILL appreciate the contents of this post !!!!!


WE HAVE MADE IT !!!!! Our agent phoned us today with the news that our exhausting wait is finally over.......our applications have been accepted & our 137 STNI skilled visas have been approved & granted !!!! :Rofl: Yipeeeeee......WooooHooooo Unbelievable - We are SO SO SO happy & shocked & very excited.


Our planned arrival into Perth will be the last week of June 08.....so not long now & so much to do !!!! yipeeeeeeee.;)


Anyone recommend a holiday home in or around suburbs of Mullaloo, Kalleroo, Ocean Reef, Iluka, Sorrento??? As these are the areas we will be looking at to find a Permanent Rental.




Jules x

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Guest Lainey

Hi Jules,




Sorry can't recommend a holiday home just wanted to say well done. We live in Ocean Reef so I think you've made a good choice of suburbs to settle in.


Don't forget you will be arriving in winter so don't be too dissapointed in the weather.



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Guest joanne

Hi Jules


I live very near the areas you are looking for rentals and there are plenty do a Google search and if you find any suitable get in contact and I may be able to ring a reserve if necessary if timing doesnt allow your end I know there is plenty out there but you need to check availability

how many of you coming?

speak soon


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest jules

Hi Jo

Sorry haven't been intouch sooner....for some strange reason this thread hasn't alerted my email of any replies?!Apologises. We are 2 adults, 3 children (4th on the way) We have now managed to find & book a holiday home in Ocean Reef for 6wks, in which time we will be hot on the tail of any long term residential 4bed properties to live in. Love to meetup once we've arrived. Will be wanting to make new friends.




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Guest jules

Hi Lainey

Having probs with email alerts to this particular thread. Sorry for my delay replying. Yeh thanks we're thrilled & relieved that that parts over. We have managed to find & book a holiday home in Ocean Reef for 6wks whilst we go long term home hunting. I have a thread running in Education section if you can help me with my enquiry on that one I'd appreciate it. Yep we know not to pack our suncream, we came for a month last July...bit chilly, rainy, occasionally sunny...bit like UK mixed bag! Hope we could meetup once we arrive. Would like to meet new friends.



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Guest tomy

We leave next Monday and are staying in Freo untl we can find a rental property, I would like to live in Canning Vale or surrounding area.

I was so excited, but now it is almost time to leave I 'm having second thoughts, as we have no family or friends over there. Did anyone else feel like this?

We have two children 11 and 8.

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Guest Lainey

Hi Tomy,


Remember life is what you make it!!!!

We were in the same boat as you 5yrs ago 2 kids & didn't know anyone over here, our kids were almost 9 & 4 at that time.

My advice : talk to as many people as you can when you get here, people are really friendly, don't get too involved to start with just in case you find out you don't have as much in common as you thought that way it's easier to break away. In saying that I've not met many people I don't like over here.

Keep an open mind & remember all the reasons why you wanted to leave in the 1st place.

It takes most people a bit of time to settle (not me though I love it here) you can keep in touch with family & friends regularly with cheap phone cards(AT card) so that you don't feel isolated.

I will be very surprised if you don't love it & I think for your kids it's the best move you will ever make!!


Good Luck!!


p.s remember it's winter here so the weathers not great spring & summer is Fab

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Bobcat
Hi Tomy,


Remember life is what you make it!!!!

We were in the same boat as you 5yrs ago 2 kids & didn't know anyone over here, our kids were almost 9 & 4 at that time.

My advice : talk to as many people as you can when you get here, people are really friendly, don't get too involved to start with just in case you find out you don't have as much in common as you thought that way it's easier to break away. In saying that I've not met many people I don't like over here.

Keep an open mind & remember all the reasons why you wanted to leave in the 1st place.

It takes most people a bit of time to settle (not me though I love it here) you can keep in touch with family & friends regularly with cheap phone cards(AT card) so that you don't feel isolated.

I will be very surprised if you don't love it & I think for your kids it's the best move you will ever make!!


Good Luck!!


p.s remember it's winter here so the weathers not great spring & summer is Fab


I thought the weather recently was pretty average........ humpty as i called it.............. but fellow Perth Poms over here for 2 weeks reccie I was showing around thought the weather was absolute magic.


As Lainey so accurately put; it doesn't matter where in this wide and wonderful earth you end up................. it all really boils down to the individual and amounts to what you actually make of the place you end up in.


It's 18 years ago since we arrived as a family with toddler kids; it wasn't easy at first............. in fact it was bloody horrible cos we knew no-one apart from our kid......... but he was to shortly move on to Darwin......... and I couldn't get a job sweeping up cos I was deemed to be too old.


We almost jacked it all in and jumped on the first plane back to the UK ....... so glad we didn't. A trip back home to my home town Preston last year more than emphasised how right we were to stick it out down under. As such; we have never looked back.


It isn't all beer and skittles though............. but hey; it isn't all bad either. at the end of the day it all boils down to what you actually make of it.


Good luck to everyone.



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Guest sharron from Essex

Hi ya, yep, I feel the same too, we arrive on August 7th, no nobody and never been to Perth, got 2 boys 7 and 14. Total fear, but sure things will be great.

Im an Eseex girl, hubby from west London, but we have been living in USA for 5 years, but now going down under with mixed feelings

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Amanda Cook

Hi Sharron

Nothing to fear!

I'm an Essex girl too (Benfleet / Southend) but been here 12 years now. Been married 18 months to my Canadian hubby (no kids, 2 dogs) - he has been here 9 years. We both love it. (I'm 36, he's 35). I work in finance & he is a geologist of sorts.

Sure it will definitely be hard to adjust at first, especially as you are arriving in the dead of winter - the weather is our best asset, but not in winter!!

But, people are friendly and there are so many poms you can immerse yourself in a 'little England' if you choose to go that way. Always nice to mix with the locals tho!

Hey keep in touch & I'd be more than happy to show you the ropes and answer any queries that pop up.

It's all a wonderful adventure!


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Guest sharron from Essex

Hi Amanda, Your message really helps.

Us girls from Essex are tough, I know I can do it alone till my hubby can join us, I got the boys, Hell, thats gonna be no fun 14 and 7. A right war zone.

Yep I certainly need a friend, I have never been and don't know a sole.

I am looking at Atwell, mainly for schools and wondered if you could advice me, I need to find a place to rent too, 6 months at first so i can look around and hopefully when Steve finally joins us we will buy a home for us all to live in. I am 38 in July, married to Steve for 15, we lived in Bishops Stortford for 6 years before moving to USA, we have a biz there, but he was also a PC in Met in London for 16 years, so we are well travelled.

He has applied for Perth Police, awaiting job offer. He shouldn't be far behind us, hopefully.

Any advice , Cheers mate my email is stevebagel@hotmail.com

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Guest sharron from Essex

Amanda, What clothers will we need? How cold are we talking?

Here in Vegas it 100 degrees right now, what is winter like in Perth? Does it get freezing, does it snow?Rain?

What dogs you got? I need a dog, but wont till we are settled.

So was you a TOTS girl? I use to get down there a bit myself.....Many moons ago

What a memory.................I loved Southend, great place. Spent many a weekend there since I was a kid, but especially when I was on the scene.....It was the place

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