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Police Officers

Guest Sergeant

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Guest Sergeant

HI. I am pleased to announce that i have just been offered a post with WAPOL, due to start at the ned of the year. I am married with three small children and am earning just over 40K in sterling at the moment.


I will be able to bring out about 100K equity in order to buy a house etc, and would appreciate any comments/advice on what sort of life i can expect.:rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest mattandsam

Hi mate,


good site to try in police-forum.com, was a god send when i came over, I've been here nearly 2 years now, i'm now working at the academy so i'm sure our paths will cross in time, fire away with your questions and i will do my best to answer them.

With what you have said so far you will be better off than alot of others, average property price is around $500k that will get you north of the river and not too far away from the beach. Not going to tell you that the job is better over here, it's not, there behind the times but it's hardly busy and the life style is 2nd to none and with a young family your doing the right thing.


Chat soon Matt

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Guest mr luvpants
HI. I am pleased to announce that i have just been offered a post with WAPOL, due to start at the ned of the year. I am married with three small children and am earning just over 40K in sterling at the moment.


I will be able to bring out about 100K equity in order to buy a house etc, and would appreciate any comments/advice on what sort of life i can expect.:rolleyes:


U lucky B@@gger! please let me know how you get on. WAPOL is one of my career options (I am a firefighter at present and enjoy this job).We are looking to go in 2010 and I am thinking of applying for the met even though I probaly wont take the job because as soon as I start I will have to leave to go to oz. Its just that I can show that I am serious about joining the police when I get to oz. What do you think?




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Guest Sergeant

Thanks Matt,


We turned down the Autumn course as that would have been a bit too quick, and are waiting for the next broadcast regarding the entries in 2009. I have tried to take a carrer break from my current job in Avon and Somerset, but they no longer allow this. I will therefore take a years unpaid annual leave. I am guessing that i would make my mind up within a year? I would want some security though in case i do not like it.


As i have 15 years service over here, i will start over there as a 9 year PC. I have 3 children, and so would appreciate it if you could tell me if i would get any child benefit etc, in order to help me with my sums.


A friend of mine who used to be in WAPOL and is now in real estate over there, also tells me that the wages are way behind other jobs over there, including unskilled ones! He seems to think that something will be done about this. Do you have any knowledge?


One last question before you get back to your BBQ, is what would i be expected to be earning with my shift allowances etc. i think the current details i have are out of date.


Glad to hear you are enjoying over there.







good site to try in police-forum.com, was a god send when i came over, I've been here nearly 2 years now, i'm now working at the academy so i'm sure our paths will cross in time, fire away with your questions and i will do my best to answer them.

With what you have said so far you will be better off than alot of others, average property price is around $500k that will get you north of the river and not too far away from the beach. Not going to tell you that the job is better over here, it's not, there behind the times but it's hardly busy and the life style is 2nd to none and with a young family your doing the right thing.


Chat soon Matt

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Guest Sergeant

Hi Mr Luvpants. My wife likes that name!


Good luck in your applications. as far as joining Metpol goes before you go to Aus, i am not sure about the answer you are looking for as i will be transfering from the UK police to theirs. I reckon your best bet would be to seek a reply from matandsam, as mat would have his finger on the pulse already being with the academy.


Good luck!

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Guest The.Lawcants

out of curiousity are you able to apply to WAPOL from the uk to become a police officer out there. I've looked at there website and it says you need to be resident but did they accept you through a recruitment drive just for those that were already in the job.



Jane & family :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Bobcat
HI. I am pleased to announce that i have just been offered a post with WAPOL, due to start at the ned of the year. I am married with three small children and am earning just over 40K in sterling at the moment.


I will be able to bring out about 100K equity in order to buy a house etc, and would appreciate any comments/advice on what sort of life i can expect.:rolleyes:


The hefty deposit you have at your disposal will stand you in good stead when you are ready to buy a house.


Lots of suburbs north of the river are only a short drive to the police Academy in Joondalup. I regularly keep in touch with new police recruits i have sold houses to over the years......... and so far all is well; they are extremely pleased to have made the move over here from the UK.


Good luck with your move.




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Sergeant
The hefty deposit you have at your disposal will stand you in good stead when you are ready to buy a house.


Lots of suburbs north of the river are only a short drive to the police Academy in Joondalup. I regularly keep in touch with new police recruits i have sold houses to over the years......... and so far all is well; they are extremely pleased to have made the move over here from the UK.


Good luck with your move.





One other thing that i don't seem to be able to nail down at the moment, is exactly how much money i will be on. I will be bringing 15 years service which i understand will equate to 9 over there, but how does the shift allowance, and is there an easy calculation for it so i could round the whole salary up?





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