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Arriving in Perth, June 2008

Guest Rebecca

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Guest Rebecca

Hi, we are really looking to moving to Perth and will be settling in Quinns Rocks. We have 2 children, my son is 10 & my daughter is 7. I am interested in connecting with anyone with children in a similar age group and hopefully you can give me the lowdown on all the activities available for kids. My son likes to play football and is in a team here in the UK, hopefully he can join one in Perth. He also likes cricket, and his beloved xbox 360 and his BMX. My daughter loves High Schools Musical, and the Grease movie, she goes to street dance class. We were in oz just before xmas for several weeks so know about a lot of the things to do with the kids, but I want to know they resume the activities they do at the moment. If any of you live in Quinns Rocks with a family at the moment - we loved the area but how do you find it for kids? Be seeing ya soon.

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Guest LaurenFromLiverpool<3

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;**.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;**.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;**.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;**Hiya.

I am Lauren 21 years old & my fiance Paul is 25 both from Liverpool.UK.

We have an 8 month old boy Dylan too.We are living NOR in Ridgewood.

if you fancy meeting up sometime let me know:)


Lauren x

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