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What age do you go to high school

Guest Rebecca

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Guest Rebecca

Hi My son will be 11 this year and is presently in year 6 in the UK, but when we arrive in Perth in June he will go back to year 5, therefore, that would make 12.5 years old when he starts high school. Is this the norm? Will they be putting him in year 5 to assess him and then bump back upto year 6? Are they just older when they leave primary education? Many thanks.:Wub:

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Hi, My daughter was 11 when we arrived in Jan 06 she'd started High School year 7 in the UK - she turned 12 in the Feb and was still in year 7 here. She started year 8 (high school) in February and had her 13th birthday 2 weeks later. She'll be 17 when she completes year 12


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  • 2 months later...
Guest alison

hi, my middle son will be 16 next january, he will start the last year of his school this september, however as we are going to pert this year i am trying to clarify if he will be able to start the last 2 years of school in january, I'm finding this all very complicating!

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Guest NeilSari

Hi Alison


I am a UK secondary school teacher looking to emigrate with my family before Nov08. I have done some research comparing the Aussie and UK systems.


If your son turns 16 just before the start of the new WA academic year (commencing 2nd Feb, 09), he will join Year 11 (students aged 16-17) and will start his WACE which, from my understanding is a kind of GCSE / A level equivalent. The compulsory age for leaving school in Oz has recently increased to 17, but (from what I can gather so far), your son may need to stay on into Year 12 so that he can complete his WACE and keep his career options wide open.


Check these links below:

For class years and ages: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Education

For more info on the WACE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Australian_Certificate_of_Education


It might also be a good idea to make sure that your son gathers his coursework from his existing school and brings it with him. Some of his work may fulfil some coursework requirements in the WA system.


Hope this info proves helpful. Best of luck!



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  • 1 month later...

everyone born in 1993 in WA will be in Year 11 in 2009. My son was born in 1992 and is in year 11 now. All stundets born in 1996 are in their final year of Primary - Year 7. From nest year many schools will have Year 7 as the first year of high schools (not the govt schools)

Kids born in 1997 I think are different as that is when the system changed to midyear and only those born beofre June 30th went to school.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest KimandGary

It's the cut-off date that is different. My daughter was born in July - she will be in year 7 here, when we move in January, but in WA she will have to go back to year 6. She will go from being one of the youngest to being one of the oldest in her year. Don't worry - I'd rather they did extra than missed out on some schooling!!! x

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Guest migration angel

Hi Rebecca,


The schools are pretty good at making allowances for the individual childs ability. If they think he needs to be moved up they will do it. My son is a Feb 98 birthday and in year 6.

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