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Guest rob and jackie

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Guest rob and jackie

Hi everyone just found this site tonight thought i would just introduce ourselves.Im Rob a carpenter in berkshire hoping to be in oz in 2009 just going through the vetassess process with our agent what a nightmare trying to get all the info together.Jackie works in telecomms not sure what she will do in oz (hopfully be a lady of leisure i can dream)just wanted to meet other people doing the same thing getting out of England hope to hear from you all soon:rolleyes:

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Guest ElaineR

Hi Rob and Jackie


This is a bit spooky, my husband is a carpenter and I also worked in Telecomms for 10 years prior to coming out here at the beginning of the year!!!!!!


Steven found it really easy to get work as there is a skill shortage, what he did find though is the quality of work is not as good and it definitely quantity over quality.


We have a daughter who is 7 and like most people, want to give her the best life we can.


Perth is beautiful, have you visited before?


I started work last Tuesday as a Call Centre manager in the City,,,in fact, the 2 buildings that stick out in the skyline...I work in the tallest one!!!


If there is anything else that you need to know, please give us a shout!



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Guest emi-great

Hi Rob & Jackie


All a bit scary isnt it? Dont worry we all know how you are feeling we have been here 10 years but I remember the trepidation when we first arrived & not knowing if I should laugh or cry when we got the visa! I think I did a bit of both


I am happy to help you with any questions you may have if I can




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  • 1 month later...
Guest danandsam

how are you getting on with a migration agent? i priced one up and they wanted 2000 pounds so i did it myself. took 6 months from when i applied till i got my visa. i now live in Perth been here for 5 months:cool:

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  • 1 year later...
Guest LaurenFromLiverpool<3

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;**.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;**.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;**.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;**Hiya.

I am Lauren 21 years old & my fiance Paul is 25 both from Liverpool.UK.

We have an 8 month old boy Dylan too.We are living NOR in Ridgewood.

if you fancy meeting up sometime let me know:)


Lauren x

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