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Guest Andrew & Sharron

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Guest Andrew & Sharron


I've just joined this site today, have been on the PIA site, but found you this morning and decided to join as we would ideally love to live and work in the Perth area.

Hope this site is just as good as PIA, sure it will be!:D


I'm sure I will have lots of questions to ask you all, my boys keep asking things that they want to know (what time is school etc.) so you will be fed up of me after a few months!!


Sharron, Andrew (Bricklayer), Matty (12), Kenan (9)

Rebecca (16 and staying behind for now)!

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Guest pagey67



Recently joined too, so welcome to the site. There are some really helpful people on this site.


We have some things in common - OH is brickie too, and we are just looking at the paperwork for his VETASSESS, and children are same age.


Where are you in the process?



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Guest The.Colebecks

Hello & Welcome - to you both :D


We have three children too, all boys, Sam 16, Toby 11 & Max 7.


We hope to be in Perth this summer, depending on the sale of the house.


Hope you find the site useful.


All the best

Karen & Family x

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Guest lorraine1627

Hi Andrew and Sharon


Were waiting for instructions to go for medicals just been told that they are just processing applications from Mid November 2007 we applied on line Visa March 2008 so it looks like we have a wait yet. We have three children ages 16, 14 and 13. The 16yr old doesnt want to come with us he is staying with his dad(not sure how I feel about this but not much choice). Saw your post saying Rebecca staying here for time being so just wanted to say hello to someone in same position. How do you feel about it?

Have been over looking round and she not keen? We never been and have asked the 16yr old to come over to look and he can always come back.


Anyway Il stop the rambling!!!! How far are you with the application


Lorraine Dean Nathan (16) Ryan (14) Sophie (13)

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Guest Andrew & Sharron

Hello all,


I'm pleased to see that there is somebody in my position. Rebecca is my step daughter but we have had full custody of her since she was five years old. She is applying for a visa with us, which means that we have to go to court to get an order issued so we can take her out of the country, but agent says this is straight forward and her mother doesn't even need to be there, which is good as she is a nutter!! As for Rebecca not coming, she has thought long and hard about it and decided that she wants to stay here and live with my Mam until she has finished her two year childcare course which she starts in September. Although I don't want to leave her, I understand that she is making a decision for herself and her own future, and she is going to come out when she has qualified to see if she likes it, by then she will be 18.

As my Mam said to me when I told her we wanted to move to Australia, do what you think is best for yourself and your kids, never look back and think what if. All I can do is support Rebecca in her decision, even though I know that getting on that plane without her will hurt like hell.

Keep in touch, I'm sure I will need a bit of support along the way, we are just starting out and getting all info for Andrew's VETASSESS, lucky for me that's quite easy as he has worked for himself most of his life!


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