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Any advise on schools in Ocean Reef?

Guest jules

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Guest jules

Hi all :rolleyes:


We will be arriving in Ocean Reef, Perth on 15th July.....& staying in a holiday home rental there for 6wks. During our stay we will be looking into schools for our 3 children (11yrs,9yrs,7yr old) We have been told that they will all go into Primary school....however our eldest will only get a Primary place until the end of that term-Dec. Then she will start Senior High in Feb 09. We have been recommended that Ocean Reef Primary is very good, but Senior not so.....can anyone make any comments on the Senior High? Does anyone's child attend that school? We would appreciate any feedback please, as our childrens education is VERY important to us.



Julie & Kevin, family

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Guest Lainey

Hi Jules,


I have one child in Ocean Reef primary which I am happy about my other child goes to a private high school because like you I was told OR High wasn't good HOWEVER I know a lot of really good kids that go there & they don't seem to have any problems. Academically i don't think it makes a difference where you send them but the private schools are far more strict on uniforms behavior etc.


I think a lot to do with making the choice depends on your kids nature & of course the cost.


Hope this helps



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Guest jules

Hi Lainey


Thanks for your reply. My 3 start Ocean Reef Primary mid Aug, which they are all looking forward too (I think, although of course they're anxious!!) Thankyou for your comments regarding High School. We have 3 well behaved kids who are currently academically doing well here in UK. Probably the best thing for us too do is to go & visit the High & get a feel of the school. Also maybe look into the cost of possibly private education.




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Guest kent people

Hi Jules

Lucky you, we are heading yourway but are about 8 to 10 month behind you

Just today we have contacted Ocean reef high school and spoken to a Odette Moro

E mail Odette.Moro@det.wa.edu.au

00 61 893070202

And she was really helpful with criteria, catchment etc

We have not heard any negative stuff about it but any feed back would be good as we are focusing our move and housing location on Ocean Reef High school's catchment

Stu and annie


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Guest jules

Hi Stu & Annie

Thanks for replying to our thread on High school Ocean Reef....Good Luck with your visa applications, the whole process can be very long winded & stressful. Yes we will be continuing to contact this site & although our eldest isn't due to start High school until Feb 09 if you keep intouch we will let you know how we're getting on.



Jules x

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Guest kent people

Hi jules


any feed back would be great,


would love to keep in touch as you are where we want to be so any feed back with you being there (not jealous at all... honest!!!) and us here would be fantastic as our youngest will be 12 in feb 2009 so in the same boat as you...


Plus we will know wherre to come for a few tinnies and a burnt snag or two lol



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Guest Lainey


I'm sure our paths will cross in Aug as i have a 9yr son in year 4 at the primary school. It's a very friendly little school & i'm sure the kids will all settle in well!


Any other questions or concerns just give us a yell & I'll try & answer.



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Guest jules

Hi Lainey


Yeh thanks for that, am REALLY hoping the kids like Ocean Reef Primary. Look forward to meeting you some day soon probably during the school run.....we'll have to wear a red carnation of something so we recognise eachother!! ;o) hee hee.



Jules x

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest jules

Hi Lainey


Just to let you know that my family & I have now secured a rental property for a year in Woodvale (hence my thread about the school). We are hoping we all get a good vibe & nice feedback from afew people on this site regards as to whether or not they think North Woodvale Primary is a good school. Do hope you & I can still meetup sometime.


Once we are settled & have an internet connection setup I will be intouch.


Kind Regards


Jules x

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Guest Lainey

Hi Julie,


Woodvale is a great area & I know the high school has a fantastic reputation! so you've made a good choice & i'm sure you will love it there.


It won't be long now! i know the nerves will have well & truly set in but i'm sure it will be the best move you ever make.



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Guest jules

Hi lainey

Thanks for your reply....yep DEFINALTY a bag of nerves...doesn't help because i'l be 24wks pregnant when we fly (& I hate flying at the best of times-just so boring)my consultant has advised me to get plenty of leg exercise walking up & down those very slim plane isles...just hope no-ones coming the other way...as i already resemble Mr.Bump!! Anyway, yes we contacted Ocean Reef Primary to let them know that we will now be living in Woodvale (after our initial 6wks hol home in Ocean Reef has ended-28th Aug) & that the children will hopefully get a place @ there Primary. The Principal sent us a very nice email, stating that North Woodvale Primary is a very good school & that the children should all be very happy there. Also now reading your reply & comments in respect of the Senior has put my worried mind @ rest (as our eldest will go up to the Senior next Feb)

Thanks for your reassurance. I will be intouch once we have setup a computer in Woodvale.


Take Care

Jules & family x

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Guest sharron from Essex

Hi Juless we are close behind you, so want to ask you for advice, expect your busy, but wondered if you can share your knowledge with me.

We are arriving in Perth on the 7th of August, Woodvale, is that the place

I have never been, but have a 7 and 14 year old, and schools are the main thing.

I have also to sort out rental, Will you let me know how you find yours and info on how I can book some.

I have only just found out that I am going, my hubby is working in USA, so at first its just little old me and the kids. Dreading it, but gotta just go.

I am from Essex, he from West London, but we have been living in Vegas for last 5, so I am well travelled, but still nervous.

Not got much time to sort stuff, like you, totally up in the air, but wish you all the luck, and hope to learn from you Cheers

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Guest jules
Hi Juless we are close behind you, so want to ask you for advice, expect your busy, but wondered if you can share your knowledge with me.

We are arriving in Perth on the 7th of August, Woodvale, is that the place

I have never been, but have a 7 and 14 year old, and schools are the main thing.

I have also to sort out rental, Will you let me know how you find yours and info on how I can book some.

I have only just found out that I am going, my hubby is working in USA, so at first its just little old me and the kids. Dreading it, but gotta just go.

I am from Essex, he from West London, but we have been living in Vegas for last 5, so I am well travelled, but still nervous.

Not got much time to sort stuff, like you, totally up in the air, but wish you all the luck, and hope to learn from you Cheers


Hi Sharon

We found our rental after putting out a thread on this site....detailing what kinda property we were looking for. We were VERY fortunate & found somewhere with a private landlord (not an agency) who emailed us. Also we have family close by who went to take alook @ the house & gave there opinion.

You can alternatively have a look on Realestate.com.au they have an excellent site for house hunting.

Regarding the schools I again did it through emailing the school directly, & also asking through a thread on here what people felt about the school.


Good Luck & keep intouch


Jules :rolleyes:

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